Algae ID?


Premium Member
From far off, looks like cyano, but close up has stems with tops. Can anyone help with ID?

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Tough one. From the picture, it looks almost like caulerpa racemosa peltata, but red. I couldn't find much. Can you get a better picture, maybe a close up of the stem and leaf. That would help a lot.
Kinda looks like hayi red bush under intense lighting ... Hayi is usally not like this unless you blast it with light ! What kind of light you have?where is it located,Top bottom of tank?and what percent you have on light?
Chronze, not really like your picture.

It is mid tank, and I have Maspect Razr LEDs, highest it gets is mid day for about 3 hours at 50 white 50 blue.

My picture above is an extreme close up. Those little disc like tops are very tine. Looks like cyano from a distance, its so small.

Basically mushroom shaped, only flat topped instead of rounded.

Its a mystery. I will try another picture, but no special camera, just cell phone.
That's fauchea. Beautiful but a pain in the butt. When it escapes from the cluster It attaches to everything. I have been trying to rid my tank of it for 2 years. Ugg��
OK, thanks. So does it spread like bryopsis? I have devil's tongue (purchased) and red kelp (came with TBS LR), and this sprung up. How do I keep it contained? Natural predators? Considered a nuisance algae?