Algae - Just deal with it


New member
I've been doing this for 8 years now, and I've had a mixed reef the entire time. Although I've learned to reduce the amount of algae outbreaks with greater experience, I still find that they happen periodically. I'm wondering if this is just a part of a healthy reef tank and if others with a successful reefs experience similar issues. My parameters are stable and ICP testing doesn't indicate any anomalies. SO this is more of a general question re what others experience and not a question on identifying a particular cause.
My experience is that I get some small, fingernail size tuffs of green algae, here and there.
Provided it does increase, I have no concern at all. Never had a tank in more than 25 years without some dotted algae tuffs.
My fingers, The lawnmower and snails keep it manicured nicely.

Very nice tank and corals BTW, well done.
If healthy means recreating the natural environment as much as we can in a glass/acrylic box, then I believe some algae is a sign of health.

For reference, I took the following two photos below on one of the most remote reefs in the world and arguably the most healthy reef in the world, or at least one of them. You can see both micro and macro algae in the first pic.

The decorator crab sure thinks some algae is healthy. :)


My tank runs 100% better since I quit fussing over algae. I get some turf algae, and a little red Cyano that comes & goes. The crew keeps it from getting out of control. The turf algae does show up a little more than I want, but I think it pass... eventually.