Algae problem needs urgent attension


New member
I'm not sure what to do anymore with this problem. I have tried multiple things. I originally running biopellets but read quite a few threads stating that pellets worked good for a couple months. Then cyano took over their tanks. Well what do ya know? I had mine running for the 4 months as they did and have the same issue. I took them off line. I was running GFO at the time with pellets also. I have also dosed a small amount of vodka. The GFO is running in a BRS reactor and churning nicely. I know they aren't bad as they have just got replaced. Recently my cyano and what I believe are dinos have taken off at high speed. Quite a few locals suggested I dose H2O2. I read a great deal online about the issues associated with peroxide and the possibility of loosing coral. I went through with it any way and have been doing so for just over a week. I dose 2ml in my 21 gallon tank.

The tank is running a remora HOB skimmer and is sumpless. Yes I know that remora's are not the best but that's what I have. I clean the skimmer every two days and it's pulling stuff. It smells real bad and is medium brown in color. I have 2 small year old clowns and a skunk cleaner with misc. snails etc.

Below are the tanks specs. and the current pictures of what the tank looks like.

Frag Tank: 20 Gallon long (30"x12"x12")
•No sand bed, 2lbs live rock
•DIY step style frag rack from PVC and Egg crate
Pump: HOB Fluval C2
Skimmer: AquaC Remora powered by a Rio 1000
Lighting: 1 AJM Multicolor LED fixture
Water Movement: 2x Maxi Jet 600 PRO with Hydor FLO Rotating Deflector
•Ca, alk. Mg.
Heater: Finnex HMO-100
Controller: Digital Aquatics RKL
•2 PC4's
•Toms aqualifter
•5 gallon water jug

• A. Percula

• Green Hornet Povona maldivensis
• Green Sheen Acropora
• Aussie Acan lord
• Green Moseleya Moon Brain
• Teal Acropora
• Yellow Porites
• Alveopora
• Teal Maze Brain
• Hollywood Stunner Chalice
• Nuclear Green Zoas
• Yellow Polyps
• Eagle Eye Zoas
• Monti Cap
• Pulsing Zenia
• Frogspawn
• Green Zoas
• Metallic Green Mushroom
• War Coral
• Orange Bam Bams
• Finger leather
• Green spongodes
• Bubble Coral
• Green Toadstool
• Green and Purple Duncan's
• ORA Red Planet
• Blastomussa
• Encrusting Gorgonian

• Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
• Maxima Clam
• Nerite Snails
• Brittle Star





If you have any suggestions at all and can help PLEASE DO!!!. This stuff is driving my newish SPS crazy and they aren't opening fully.

Also I know your going to ask so here they are:

Ca: 420
Mg: 1500
Alk: 9.5 ***I was told to lower this to 7.5 so I'm letting it drift down naturally***

NO3: 0
PO4: 0.08 (I know a tad high, working on getting it down)

I dose a little phyto every morning for the coral and maxima. Fish get feed once a day in the evening 3-4 formula 2 pellets crushed up so they can get them in their mouths. I hand feed (yes I know I don't have to) the war, candy, brains, bubble and zoas to get them to grow fast. I target feed them and try not to add unnecessary food to the tank.
Turn your lights out 3 days. this isn't algae: it's cyano, by the look of it...try the sticky above, in the newbie forum...won't hurt your corals. Skim well during that 3 day dark, and 4th day, actinic only.

Can't recall, but green phyto is highly suspect as a phosphate source.
Im a newbie as well, but i am leaning towards overfeeding of the corals is to blame, depending on what your using as a photoperiod, that could also be to blame
I agree there is a great deal of cyano. However there is some brown and some unknown green (thinking young hair).

Sk8r does it have to be a complete black out with the sides covered? I don't really have anything to cover it all but I can so a photo period black out. Are you positive ( I know you can never be 100% positive) that the coral will be fine? Also why would green live phyto cause the increase? Wouldn't it continue to live (get ate in the process) and reproduce in the tank just at a slower rate then in a culture system on a 14 hour light period?
NM Sk8r I read the thread.

Here's the tank all ready for day one tomorrow:


Should I continue dosing H2O2 and vodka?
I had trouble with cyanobacteria, I used an anti-biotic. It worked great, killed it all in about a week and did not damage my corals