I'm not sure what to do anymore with this problem. I have tried multiple things. I originally running biopellets but read quite a few threads stating that pellets worked good for a couple months. Then cyano took over their tanks. Well what do ya know? I had mine running for the 4 months as they did and have the same issue. I took them off line. I was running GFO at the time with pellets also. I have also dosed a small amount of vodka. The GFO is running in a BRS reactor and churning nicely. I know they aren't bad as they have just got replaced. Recently my cyano and what I believe are dinos have taken off at high speed. Quite a few locals suggested I dose H2O2. I read a great deal online about the issues associated with peroxide and the possibility of loosing coral. I went through with it any way and have been doing so for just over a week. I dose 2ml in my 21 gallon tank.
The tank is running a remora HOB skimmer and is sumpless. Yes I know that remora's are not the best but that's what I have. I clean the skimmer every two days and it's pulling stuff. It smells real bad and is medium brown in color. I have 2 small year old clowns and a skunk cleaner with misc. snails etc.
Below are the tanks specs. and the current pictures of what the tank looks like.
Frag Tank: 20 Gallon long (30"x12"x12")
•No sand bed, 2lbs live rock
•DIY step style frag rack from PVC and Egg crate
Pump: HOB Fluval C2
Skimmer: AquaC Remora powered by a Rio 1000
Lighting: 1 AJM Multicolor LED fixture
Water Movement: 2x Maxi Jet 600 PRO with Hydor FLO Rotating Deflector
•Ca, alk. Mg.
Heater: Finnex HMO-100
Controller: Digital Aquatics RKL
•2 PC4's
•Toms aqualifter
•5 gallon water jug
• A. Percula
• Green Hornet Povona maldivensis
• Green Sheen Acropora
• Aussie Acan lord
• Green Moseleya Moon Brain
• Teal Acropora
• Yellow Porites
• Alveopora
• Teal Maze Brain
• Hollywood Stunner Chalice
• Nuclear Green Zoas
• Yellow Polyps
• Eagle Eye Zoas
• Monti Cap
• Pulsing Zenia
• Frogspawn
• Green Zoas
• Metallic Green Mushroom
• War Coral
• Orange Bam Bams
• Finger leather
• Green spongodes
• Bubble Coral
• Green Toadstool
• Green and Purple Duncan's
• ORA Red Planet
• Blastomussa
• Encrusting Gorgonian
• Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
• Maxima Clam
• Nerite Snails
• Brittle Star
If you have any suggestions at all and can help PLEASE DO!!!. This stuff is driving my newish SPS crazy and they aren't opening fully.
Also I know your going to ask so here they are:
Ca: 420
Mg: 1500
Alk: 9.5 ***I was told to lower this to 7.5 so I'm letting it drift down naturally***
NO3: 0
PO4: 0.08 (I know a tad high, working on getting it down)
I dose a little phyto every morning for the coral and maxima. Fish get feed once a day in the evening 3-4 formula 2 pellets crushed up so they can get them in their mouths. I hand feed (yes I know I don't have to) the war, candy, brains, bubble and zoas to get them to grow fast. I target feed them and try not to add unnecessary food to the tank.
The tank is running a remora HOB skimmer and is sumpless. Yes I know that remora's are not the best but that's what I have. I clean the skimmer every two days and it's pulling stuff. It smells real bad and is medium brown in color. I have 2 small year old clowns and a skunk cleaner with misc. snails etc.
Below are the tanks specs. and the current pictures of what the tank looks like.
Frag Tank: 20 Gallon long (30"x12"x12")
•No sand bed, 2lbs live rock
•DIY step style frag rack from PVC and Egg crate
Pump: HOB Fluval C2
Skimmer: AquaC Remora powered by a Rio 1000
Lighting: 1 AJM Multicolor LED fixture
Water Movement: 2x Maxi Jet 600 PRO with Hydor FLO Rotating Deflector
•Ca, alk. Mg.
Heater: Finnex HMO-100
Controller: Digital Aquatics RKL
•2 PC4's
•Toms aqualifter
•5 gallon water jug
• A. Percula
• Green Hornet Povona maldivensis
• Green Sheen Acropora
• Aussie Acan lord
• Green Moseleya Moon Brain
• Teal Acropora
• Yellow Porites
• Alveopora
• Teal Maze Brain
• Hollywood Stunner Chalice
• Nuclear Green Zoas
• Yellow Polyps
• Eagle Eye Zoas
• Monti Cap
• Pulsing Zenia
• Frogspawn
• Green Zoas
• Metallic Green Mushroom
• War Coral
• Orange Bam Bams
• Finger leather
• Green spongodes
• Bubble Coral
• Green Toadstool
• Green and Purple Duncan's
• ORA Red Planet
• Blastomussa
• Encrusting Gorgonian
• Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
• Maxima Clam
• Nerite Snails
• Brittle Star
If you have any suggestions at all and can help PLEASE DO!!!. This stuff is driving my newish SPS crazy and they aren't opening fully.
Also I know your going to ask so here they are:
Ca: 420
Mg: 1500
Alk: 9.5 ***I was told to lower this to 7.5 so I'm letting it drift down naturally***
NO3: 0
PO4: 0.08 (I know a tad high, working on getting it down)
I dose a little phyto every morning for the coral and maxima. Fish get feed once a day in the evening 3-4 formula 2 pellets crushed up so they can get them in their mouths. I hand feed (yes I know I don't have to) the war, candy, brains, bubble and zoas to get them to grow fast. I target feed them and try not to add unnecessary food to the tank.