Alkalinity way too high

I've been away for 5 days and my "reef sitter" made sure things looked ok (monitors, water level, lights...), but wasn't the right person to measure meq/L.

Unless I'm way off (tested this 6 times with similar results) My alkalinity is way too high. Like 5.14 meq/l or 14.4 KH. PH is still good, 8.2ish to 8.4 during the day. Salinity is 1.025, temp 82ish, I have not measure calcium yet... I use a geo reactor and drip and bubble rate is where I left it, so it's not like I have a major if this is right? why is anything alive? how do lower it safely... I've never see these readings and am at a loss to proceeded..
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can do a waterchange, assuming your new water's kh is lower than 14 to slowly lower it. In Randy's articles, he states to let it go down by itself.
I did but I only had a weeks worth ready, the system is 120 main tank with a 90 refugium and 55 gallon sump about a third full. I change 10% ( I do this weekly) about 25 gallons but the numbers I posted were post the water change so things were likely worse... I made another 50 gallons today but this won't be ready for a few days. My question is more, should I turn off the georeactor? effluent ph in the reactor is 6.47, again tank ph is 8.23 as we speak. is this possible to have alkalinity this out of wack and ph fine? of so how can I lower ak slowly outside of water changes? is leaving the reactor on at current rate and drip adding to the problem?