Amazon Prime Day - Neptune Apex Display - Amazon Fire 7' Tablets $29.99


Established since 2008
Cool idea to add some cool to your controller.

Many youtube setups where people "pimp" out their Neptune Apex Display with a Tablet interface.

Cheaper than an original Neptune Display.

Hurry Up - posting this while you have 18 hours left to buy one.

I am thinking about it.

You can youtube how to hack the tablet to gain access to Google Play to download other apps and use Google Chrome as an internet interface.

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this deal is exclusively for Prime members.


I just picked one up.

No different than accessing your smart phone or IPAD around the house while routing through your designated IP Address for access.

Just nice to have something more visually appealing. There is also a feature on the tablets to prevent them from going to sleep and turning off the display.

Is it a necessity to have?

No - but neither is anything else in this expensive hobby!
Hopefully fusion fits your screen properly. I haven't found a browser yet to work properly for fusion.

Two ways to access your APEX remotely, internal & external network.

I use Fusion outside my local WIFI. Such as traveling for work. (External network)

While connected into my internal network via home WIFI, I will use my local APEX IP address assigned in my router to display on my tablet. (XXX.XXX.X.XXX)

I will simply re-arrange my custome dashboard to fit the screen.
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While connected into my internal network via home WIFI, I will use my local APEX IP address assigned in my router to display on my tablet. (XXX.XXX.X.XXX)
FYI - regarding using static IP addresses on the Apex set-up - I had the following issue:

well, this was a complete surprise. Since I wasn't getting any traction here I contacted support on this issue.

Long story short: the ability to access the classic screens outside the network appears to have been causing the apex reboot issue.

By changing the DHCP from off to ON (and not using a static IP) and changing the port back to 80 and removing the port forwarding rules in my modem appears to have fixed my issue.

Now I can only access the apex systems using fusion. I guess that's agreeable.

Also, some programming wasn't working correctly because I had "Power Monitor" Enabled and didn't have a power back-up.

I'm not sure if you have the same issue Bobby - but it's something to keep an eye on. When using DHCP and the classic screens - you can still access the Apex internally by using the host name assigned to the apex.
FYI - regarding using static IP addresses on the Apex set-up - I had the following issue:

Also, some programming wasn't working correctly because I had "Power Monitor" Enabled and didn't have a power back-up.

I'm not sure if you have the same issue Bobby - but it's something to keep an eye on. When using DHCP and the classic screens - you can still access the Apex internally by using the host name assigned to the apex.

Thank you for the help posting this above. Been using an APEX since 2010 and yes, had all the issues above. However had them all resolved with Neptune service and Google research.

I have been lucky my IP address hasn't changed - but if it does I know what to do to find it again re-point my internal network browser. (not as smart as you in IT but I am pretty good asking for help)
I have always used my apex without issue with dhcp turned off. It is never agreeable to not be able to easily access the classic dashboard from inside my home. If you need it outside the home you get a dns. I don't ever want the hassle of figuring out the ip address again. Sure its easy enough but you should never have to do it after the first time.
Thankfully for me this has never been an issue. I do set my apex ip myself out in the 100's. Say if you set it for .002 or .005 and you have 10 devices in your home and then have a power outage and everything has dhcp turned on you might get several devices trying to grab the same ip and then have issues. So I set it out where nothing else tries to grab.
It always seems to depend on how support perceives your abilities on how they agree the best way to do things is.

This is a mixed response to several previous posts. Not directed at anyone in particular.
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Love my new APEX Tablet Display!

I appreciate having a larger font to glance at across our great room.

Being able to double check to see if my system is "on-line" externally prior to leaving the house is a nice touch. On the OEM Neptune Display you have to press a few buttons see it in a sub menu to confirm.

Then always knowing if my skimmer is ON without opening a stand cabinet door. In Florida we have constant power outages due to weather. (That only last 30 seconds or so on average for us. But just enough to be annoying.) I have my APEX on a 10 minutes defer upon start up to allow the sump water level to settle and I also have a float valve as a secondary precaution to make sure the water level is safe to prevent my skimmer from overflowing. However those float valves could & due have a tendency to stick due to salt creep. So with that being said, I am a bit OCD when it comes to making sure my skimmer turns back on eventually.

I can also conveniently scroll down to see other equipment and interactively control them via the touch screen.

As a dashboard display these are my favorite points of feedback to monitor.

Probably the best $30 I have ever spent on this hobby!

Hope this thread helped someone and gave them a cool fun idea to incorporate into their system.

Thank you for checking this post out! Take Care!

Glad you are happy with it.
What browser did you decide on? Did fusion size properly or did you rearrange your desk top?
I am using my internal network IP address. (Which I prefer over Fusion.)

I custom arranged my icons to make if fit nicely to my areas of interest.

What you don't see on this screen is that I have arranged my icons in a way that is you simply swipe your finger up, all the icons are stacked below my skimmer icon.

So I can press OFF - AUTO - ON. Per their respected function.

Graphs are cool - but to be honest how often do you look at a graph?

I just care about the current parameters as you can see and if there is an issue, my APEX has never failed to set off an audible alarm and shoot me a text if there was a problem or area of concern.

But as you develop experience in this hobby, one knows to set up all sorts of secondary precautions and with that said, if you have quality equipment your system is pretty much solid.

A committed reef tank enthusiast is always testing, feeding & etc. So the frequency we are checking our system only supports our statistic for overall success to be even greater.

We eventually learn our tank's personality.

Knowing your ability and influence on the forum, you would have no problem with this.

You are always welcome to visit and check out my setup. Pretty proud of it after starting over two years ago.

The Amazon FIRE does have an internet browser already loaded by deafault named "SILK".

I chose this browser due to security reasons.

I would prefer not to have a cleaning lady being sneaky and gaining access to my google accounts, email and ETC. (Or more importantly my wife, JK :lmao:)
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Hahha too funny on the email.

I tried silk and a few others when I got the tablet maybe a year ago and I couldn't unlock the protective cover because the browser wouldn't move far enough to the right side. So I just fogot about using it and it collects dust. Maybe I will plug it in and see if there is an update that fixes the issue. I always leave the toggles with the protective cover because I would surely bump something and flood. :)

Thanks for the invite. I will get out that way sometime and check your place out. You are welcome over as well if you get to Pinellas.
Bobby thanks again. Got my fire7 today

Nice to hear!


Have fun with it.

An update on my project: No problems to report. The feed has been steady with no interruptions. If the parameter goes up the screen follows suit just like the original APEX display connected via USB.

Just as a heads up, in the new update on the Fire Tablets, they do not have an option to keep your screen perminately on. The most it shows is 30 minutes.

Solution: Simply tap the serial number on the bottom of that sub screen 10 times and "Developer Options" will appear. Click on it and adjust screen time out to "Never".

Google is your friend, it makes me sound like I have a clue of what I am doing.