Amazon Fire to monitor Apex

I don't get the point of dedicated tablet mounted on a wall or stand, that is just a waste. I have a tablet that I use to monitor Apex, play music, brows the web, read a book, view the forum, etc. It sets on a table in front of the tank, and I can take it anywhere. Lenovo HD 10", $135, and kick *** the Fire. I got Fire HD and returned it, because I didn't like the advertisement.
Frankly, I don't really 'need' a better display than the apex unit. All I need is something that I can glance at the key parameters periodically and sound the alarm when necessary. If I wanted to change programming or anything more complex, I still was going through my computer anyhow, so the Fire wasn't really terribly useful. Plus it doesn't have the alarm feature, though that's easy enough to do with a spare outlet.

Yep.. Like you, that's all I ever use these display for. A quick glance at parameters. Occasionally I will hit the feed button on the main display. I always found the original Apex display to be more than useful for that. The only reason I got the Fire tablets was because I like tech'y things and the Fire tablet gave me a nicer screen to look at. If either of mine fail, I might just get a cheap used iPad mini as the replacement. Then again, Amazon always has specials on these Fire tablets. I got mine for around $35 at which I kind of consider them disposable since they were on sale when I made my purchases.
I agree, the video isn't necessary when you're in front of the tank, but it would be nice to adjust the video and get real time feedback. I'll just push the video tile elsewhere on the page. I'm not complaining about a display for $33.
What issues? Video has nothing to do with Fusion. It's how the Fire browser handles the Mjpeg stream.

I just added a new Fire tablet to another tank of mine a few days ago and it works just fine. While Silk no longer seems to support full screen like it did a few months back, the Dolphin browser does and is easy to install. As for the video tile, I find it useless if I am sitting in front of the tank anyway. Any fire related issues have nothing to do with Neptune. The fire is a dirt cheap tablet with various web browser options and the web browser are what you connect to Fusion with. There is nothing to be fixed in Fusion and since Neptune doesn't make the tablet let alone browsers, there is nothing for them to resolve. Also keep in mind that there are dozens of different tablets you can use. The Fire just happens to be one of the cheapest ones. if you don't like the Fire, spend a bit more and get a used iPad or some other tablet.

To install Dolphin on the Fire, go to the settings screen and select "Allow Unknown Applications". I think that's what it's called. It's in one of the settings pages and is pretty self explanatory.

Go to the Amazon App store and download ES File Explorer from the App store and install it.

Once installed, go to the silk browser and do a google search for Dolphin APK. You will find a few links for it. Download the latest version listed. I think it was 11.5 or 11.6. Whatever the case, once it's downloaded, open up ES File Explorer, go to downloads and install the Dolphin Browser.

Also be sure to go into developer mode and into settings and set the fire to stay on when the power is connected. To get into Dev mode, go to settings and tap the fire serial number 7 or 8 times to open up the additional Dev menu options.

I've had one Fire 7" tablet on 24/7 for a number of months now without issue and my 2nd one has been up and running for a few days.

I think you misunderstood me. I was referring to the problem that people have been having with getting the software to work and the Kindle not holding up. See the above posts. I didn't imply that this was Neptune's issue. I merely stated that Neptune has an Engineering Department, who I can only assume spent some time figuring out how to use a Kindle as a display since they released a video on it and as such if Amazon changed something with how the Kindle functions, then perhaps Neptune's people can once again look into how to make it function with latest version.

I agree with the others, I don't need a Kindle to operate my Apex but I would like the ability to see what is going on without having to fire up my computer every time. If I'm going to be programing the Apex then sure I'll use the computer but to just look into how things are going as I walk by the tank, the Kindle is more convenient.

I either need the Apex display or the Kindle. With the Kindle about a third of the cost and having better graphics its kind of a no brainer except if it doesn't work.
I think you misunderstood me. I was referring to the problem that people have been having with getting the software to work and the Kindle not holding up. See the above posts. I didn't imply that this was Neptune's issue. I merely stated that Neptune has an Engineering Department, who I can only assume spent some time figuring out how to use a Kindle as a display since they released a video on it and as such if Amazon changed something with how the Kindle functions, then perhaps Neptune's people can once again look into how to make it function with latest version.

I agree with the others, I don't need a Kindle to operate my Apex but I would like the ability to see what is going on without having to fire up my computer every time. If I'm going to be programing the Apex then sure I'll use the computer but to just look into how things are going as I walk by the tank, the Kindle is more convenient.

I either need the Apex display or the Kindle. With the Kindle about a third of the cost and having better graphics its kind of a no brainer except if it doesn't work.

Not sure what issues people have had with the software but Fusion works fine on these tablets with Silk, Opera and Dolphin. You keep refereeing to the tablet as Kindle and I know there was a Kindle tablet that was more of a reader. Not sure if there is some confusion there but the tablet I am using and the one referenced in Neptunes video is simply referred to as an Amazon Fire Tablet and these work perfectly fine with Fusion. Mine stays connected to Fusion without issue just as shown in the pictures. Nothing has changed in the OS with how the Fire tablet functions with Fusion. I have one that I bought several months ago. That one has an older OS and in that case, I can get full screen from Silk. The one that just came from Amazon a few days ago has the latest OS and for whatever reason, Silk no longer supports full screen so I installed Dolphin as recommended in the video and it works just fine full screen and has stayed connected since I set it up days ago.

Other than one forum member having issues with his Fire Tablets kicking the bucket after being left on, I think that is the only real issue that's been reported other than perhaps people not understanding how to install an alternate browser or perhaps not knowing how to enable the Fire to stay on when connected to power. One person mentioned the advertisements but even that is a non issue when the tablet is left on and connected to Fusion. I've never once seen an advertisement when the Fire is on and connected to Fusion.
Not sure what issues people have had with the software but Fusion works fine on these tablets with Silk, Opera and Dolphin. You keep refereeing to the tablet as Kindle and I know there was a Kindle tablet that was more of a reader. Not sure if there is some confusion there but the tablet I am using and the one referenced in Neptunes video is simply referred to as an Amazon Fire Tablet and these work perfectly fine with Fusion. Mine stays connected to Fusion without issue just as shown in the pictures. Nothing has changed in the OS with how the Fire tablet functions with Fusion. I have one that I bought several months ago. That one has an older OS and in that case, I can get full screen from Silk. The one that just came from Amazon a few days ago has the latest OS and for whatever reason, Silk no longer supports full screen so I installed Dolphin as recommended in the video and it works just fine full screen and has stayed connected since I set it up days ago.

Other than one forum member having issues with his Fire Tablets kicking the bucket after being left on, I think that is the only real issue that's been reported other than perhaps people not understanding how to install an alternate browser or perhaps not knowing how to enable the Fire to stay on when connected to power. One person mentioned the advertisements but even that is a non issue when the tablet is left on and connected to Fusion. I've never once seen an advertisement when the Fire is on and connected to Fusion.

Amazon used to call it the Kindle Fire. I guess they have since dropped the Kindle portion and just call it Fire now. Either way, you and I are talking about the same device.

I'm glad that you are able to get the thing to work with Dolphin. I find that encouraging and I thank you for taking the time to post how you were able to get it to work. I hope the experience that Simon had with them having a short life span was an anomaly and not indicative of what one can typically expect for a typical service life.

As for the video tile in fusion not working with Dolphin, that is a non factor for me personally. I don't need a camera to show me the tank which I'm standing in front of.
Question.... and don't laugh at me - I can build a house from the ground up but this tech stuff is over my head:

If any of you are as attached to your iphone even half as much as I am, wouldnt just using the fusion app be a better option?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Question.... and don't laugh at me - I can build a house from the ground up but this tech stuff is over my head:

If any of you are as attached to your iphone even half as much as I am, wouldnt just using the fusion app be a better option?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not a dumb question. I really like the Fusion app on my iPhone and iPad. For me, I have multiple systems here and it's nice to be able to see the status of the tank when I do my daily once over looking at and under the tank at the equipement. I also have customers tanks in my Fusion app so I'd have to switch from one controller to the next to check each tank in my home. As such, having the display mounted to the tank is simple and convenient. Ideally I'd have an iPad mounted to each tank but for the cost of the Fire, it's too practical to not have one of these tablets on the tank. Plus it looks good too!
Best Buy had a deal a couple of days ago where if you bought an Amazon tap speaker you got $10 off on it plus a 16gb Fire 7 for free so jumped on it for Apex. Anywho read this is if you want access to google play store to download dolphin or whatever other browser you want to use and also get rid of ads.

1. Go to settings
2. Device options
3. Tap serial number 5 times this will open up developer options
4. Go to developer options
5. Set Enable ADB to on
6. Connect tablet to PC (windows) with usb cable, drivers will install
7. Download this Fire 5th gen/
8. Unzip everything to a folder
9. Run 1-Install-Play-Store.bat
10. Select option to install google and remove ads
11. You will get a prompt on the tablet to trust adb connection from pc, click yes
12. Script will do it's thing and tell you when it's done and to reboot
13. Before you reboot tablet disable ADB in developer settings and then reboot
14. That's it, just open google play app so you can login with google account and tablet will give you a notification to update google services app, after that is done you can download whatever you want

If you need pictures go here.

Now you will have full access to play store without the need to sideload anything and also bye bye ads.

Another reason why you will want to do this is if you run other apps that have in app purchases. For example on the app for my idip the test bundle is an in-app purchase. So sideloading the apk does not work for running tests. You need google services so that your in-app purchases get registered within the app. Plus also you don't have the hassle of having to find the apk for ecosmart live, kessil, etc and the apps will always be updated to the latest version automatically.
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I finally took the time this weekend to mount my Fire. I have a linen closet behind my tank that has my ATO and RODI unit in it. So I wired an outlet into this closet and ran the power wire for the fire through the wall and plugged it in.

I'm pretty happy with the results, the screen is set to be always on and has been running for 4 days now. I love having control at my finger tips.

Now I just need to re-calibrate my PM2 probe....


Looks nice. Is there room for it to 'breathe' so it doesn't overheat?

Mine has been running strong for 6 months now.

I bought a mesh "leaf guard" from the hardware store and that is holding it in place on the back of the frame. This left about a 3/16" gab between the frame and the wall so it has some breathing. Glad to hear your's is still going strong after 6 months.
The frame idea is pretty cool. I was lazy with mine. I just propped it up in a modern looking metal plate stand on top of the furniture cabinet I mounted my apex in.