Amount of hours lights stay on


New member
Just curious in knowing how many hours a day do you guys run your lighting.
I currently run my LEDs:
12 hours atinics
10 hours whites
could I cut back the day light white back to 8 hours and 10 hours atinics? Or is this not enough hours of light. I have spa Lps and clams
reason for cuttin back is that a get algae build up on my glass and don't really kno y. My phos levels are .02 using Hanna and ro Tds is always 0. so only other reason I could think of is due to lighting
You're going to get all kinds of suggestions about this topic.
What you should try doing, is cutting back to 8 hours actinic and 6 hours whites. Wait about a week and a half. Then if you like they colors on your coral, stick with it. If you don't, raise the whites an hour a week until you get the desired color from your coral.
You're going to get all kinds of suggestions about this topic.
What you should try doing, is cutting back to 8 hours actinic and 6 hours whites. Wait about a week and a half. Then if you like they colors on your coral, stick with it. If you don't, raise the whites an hour a week until you get the desired color from your coral.

+1, ive settled on 9 hours.

2 hr sunrise and 2 hour sunset
5 hr full
You're going to get all kinds of suggestions about this topic.
What you should try doing, is cutting back to 8 hours actinic and 6 hours whites. Wait about a week and a half. Then if you like they colors on your coral, stick with it. If you don't, raise the whites an hour a week until you get the desired color from your coral.

+1, ive settled on 9 hours.

2 hr sunrise and 2 hour sunset
5 hr both on

100% blue 35% white.
East PC Actinic rise in the am
Then the T5's which run the course of the tank lights up the morning
Then the East MH on, last 8 hrs
Then an hr later the Center MH on, last 8 hrs
All Actinics turn off when after the high noon MH come on as they are 20KK radiums
Then an hr after that the West MH on, last 8 hrs
Sequentially the MH turn of one hr apart while the West PC Actinic goes on.
Moon lights off around 1 AM

Actinics ~ 12hs
East PC Actinic rise in the am
Then the T5's which run the course of the tank lights up the morning
Then the East MH on, last 8 hrs
Then an hr later the Center MH on, last 8 hrs
All Actinics turn off when after the high noon MH come on as they are 20KK radiums
Then an hr after that the West MH on, last 8 hrs
Sequentially the MH turn of one hr apart while the West PC Actinic goes on.
Moon lights off around 1 AM

Actinics ~ 12hs
Man... What are you trying to do there, create your own indo-pacific ocean ? LOl....
East PC Actinic rise in the am
Then the T5's which run the course of the tank lights up the morning
Then the East MH on, last 8 hrs
Then an hr later the Center MH on, last 8 hrs
All Actinics turn off when after the high noon MH come on as they are 20KK radiums
Then an hr after that the West MH on, last 8 hrs
Sequentially the MH turn of one hr apart while the West PC Actinic goes on.
Moon lights off around 1 AM

Actinics ~ 12hs

Very elaborate.

I love it.