
Today I just started a culture of amphipods. Will keep posting updates on how well they are reproducing. I decided to culture amphipods since I have had great success culturing rotifers. The only downfall is I have buckets all over my spare room.but well worth it.
Post some pics of your culturing setup😉
I will,right now im.dealing with a I think. It's a dcopus tang,he's swimming with his head down and on his side. Any ideas? You think he's sick and dying? I'm bout ready to get him out if I can catch him.Thats the problem I'm having,I can't catch it.
I will,right now im.dealing with a I think. It's a dcopus tang,he's swimming with his head down and on his side. Any ideas? You think he's sick and dying? I'm bout ready to get him out if I can catch him.Thats the problem I'm having,I can't catch it.
I don't know much about fish disease to be honest. I see you started a thread in the Fish Disease forum. That's where you'll get the best response.