Amphiprion latifasciatus (pictures)

Yuri Barros

Few years of the Madagascar Anemonefish...........Amphiprion latifasciatus.........were rare.............

My knowledge about this very limited..........

Today...........with more pictures founded............a more complex view is forming about Amphiprion latifasciatus...............

First thing I notice that there is a variation.............

I recognize 3 types.................and each one are founded in different regions........

The First Type :

.........have extremelly large bands............


General color is brownish.........and some fishes have darker mantle...........

One distinct characteristic is that they have white tip of the Dorsal Fin...........

And also the outer parts of the tail are white.............


This Images are related to the Northern Madagascar.................and East side of mainland...........

This one is from Masoala National Park..............


Zumaboy ( his articles...........calls "pixalated" band.........of the "True Madagascar Anemonefish"...........


A Juv..........


One thing I noted is about the shape of the head these fishes this band are relativelly narrow..........if compared with the other varieties of the Madagascar Anemonefish........

This variety seems to occours a small range.................

The Second Type :

OK.........let´s see pictures from Comoro Islands...........located North West of the mainland Madagascar.............

And also pictures from the Reefs of North West Madagascar.............


Most adult fishes have Jet Black mantle...............and bright golden yellow fins and tail..............




The bands are thick.......and have a bluish hue..........

Head band have unique shape...........very thick at the top...........

A young Amphiprion latifasciatus.........hosted in a Nursery Anemone.........Heteractis aurora...........from Mayotte Atoll...........Comoro Islands..........


This variety seems to ocuppie a larger range............from Comoros to the North West Reefs of Madagascar.............
The Third Type :

The third type is unique too...........

They have White Tail...........with a Yellow stripe at the lower side of the Tail............


This picture is from Toliara...............South West Madagascar.........


The middle band are not so thick..............

This is my first impression on Anemonefishes from Madagascar...........

Amphiprion allardi..........from East Africa Coast.........belongs to the same Complex of Amphiprion latifasciatus...........

This Clownfish Complex have only these two species...............and you can noted tat observing their Juveniles.............

Here are few pictures of Amphiprion allardi..........from East Africa.............


The middle band is extremelly thin..........


And the tail is entire White..........

I collect the picture of the last pair here :

Its related with

Located in Ifaty.........near Toliara............

Especially fishes from SouthWest Madagascar have Whitish Tail Fin.........



In the North West Madagascar predominate pictures of Yellow Tail.............and also in Comoro Islands...........

My studies is very limited.........because its based in pictures taken in the wild..............´

But along the time I found a kind of pattern...............

I mean............I found that this pattern appears in both fishes from the pairs..........

Its not an isolated case.............that you find a different fish.........

But.........instead of that...............we can see a pair showing the same color well as the band size pattern and coloration...........

And I can related these pictures to a specific location.............

My thoughts about this species is a bit unripe.............

But I can briefly make a track.............about speciation in East African Coast and in Madagascar...............

Do you still have these fishes.........???

Any pics........???

Nice to hear that you keep this species..............
Sorry about the photo not showing, but in fact I still have the male only cause the female died unexpectedly ( apparently it choke with a anemone shrimp ) Bob from Ibluewater suggested that might have cause the dead. Here is the pair. Photo uploaded upside down I don't know why!


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Here is my previous male Madagascar full grown. This one is from another region different from the pair/ male I have now.


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Stunning fish!!!, though for the price difference, I'll stick with my clarkiis ;)


Thank you very much! yes they are amazing even more when I had the chance to own 3 from 2 different regions and different body features like you mention in your photos,I appreciate your wish , but as you know they are extremely hard to get and expensive.maybe bob can get me a female next year ( I hope so )
Yes Amphiprion latifasciatus are expensive...........

I´m thinking in open a thread about Clark´s................I recognize 10 biogeographic varieties of Clark´s..............and lots of pictures................

These probably are GBR -Australians..........and looks great.............stunning fishes...............

Clark´s are different kind of Clownfishes.............and have Melanistics related with Stichodactyla mertensii............and in less dgree with S. haddoni and C. adhaesivum..............

Amphiprion latifasciatus do not show Melanism related with Anemone species.............the same way we can see in Clark´s.............

In Amphiprion latifasciatus apparently the Anemone species do not affec the body coloration..............

Here is a Amphiprion latifasciatus hosted in Stichodactyla mertensii.........Mayotte Island........


It shows normal coloration for me..............

Clark´s hosted in Mertens shows entire black body..........called Melanism..........
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Three of my favorite things.. Clownfish, Sex, and Dance Music..

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Looks like there is some color variation in the offspring which is kind of interesting.. Some yellow, some orange..