An Abstract ID Question


Premium Member
While I'm fairly certain there is no readily available answer, each time I've watched one of several television specials on marine thermal vents there is usually to often a clip showing a white fish that looks for all the world like a white convict goby swimming amongst the shrimp and tube worms.
I was just curious, if you've had a chance to view one of these programs, if the fish resembles the Pholidichthys leucotaenia as much to you as it does to me?

Mike Dandaneau
hehe, no, i can't say i have seen the program you are referring to, mike. with 2 jobs, a full-time student, RC and RK, and still finding the time to have a social life, TV doesn't find its way into my schedule. perhaps someday i will be retired and get to watch the discovery channel :D

might i recommend for you to listen for the name of one of the researchers or the laboratory doing the exploration next time. a quick e-mail to them would certainly get the ball rolling in the right direction. or perhaps try (or whatever cable station you watched the show on) and look for more info from there. a lot of times you can ask questions about certain programs at their website.


Thanks for the quick reply....don't rush on the retirement, as it's not all it's cracked up to be.

As to and such, no luck there......trying to find a way to actually comment or ask a serious question is similar to many other commercial sites or the phone menu you now get when trying to contact a real person (if it weren't for the traffic, I'd almost think telephone aswerers were an endangered species):D

how is clearwater nowadays? my sister lived there for about 10 years or so. i loved to visit clearwater, ur, i mean my sister. i've seen most of florida and clearwater remains one of my favorite areas.
Surprisingly, still pretty nice.....probably because almost all developable property IS!:D

Over the last few years, more and more tropical species are showing up, and at low tide it sometimes becomes a veritable bonanza.

The bad part is that there are so many species that no-one ever seemed to bother about that even the Florida Aquarium in Tampa hasn't been able to assist with ID's, which can be very frustrating.

There's always a guest room open if you're ever down this way and don't mind a house full of aquariums!:p
