Anemone, Butterfly question


Premium Member
I have a quick question. Would it be safe to but a butterfly fish in with an big LTA? I know they eat aiptaisia but do they ever try to eat BTA's LTA's or Condi's?
My Copperband nevers bothers my BTA, but then the Maroon Clown shoos away anyone who comes near. Anyway, I've never seen it show any interest.
I've had both a longnose butterfly and a raccoon butterfly with my red BTA. They've never touched it, but my maroon clown is mean as hell, and she won't let anyone near it either. Still, they've never tried.
My Black Saddle backs are a little passive. I want the butterfly not only for beauty but for aiptaisia control. With that being said anybody seen healty ones at any LFS locally?
I believe Barrier Reef has some, and their livestock is usually healthy, I rarely see sick and/or dieing fish, and they tend to keep their fish there in store for a while to make sure that they're eating and such. They're actually honest too about whether the fish are feeding or not. Might want to give them a call and see if they'll have them tomorrow or whenever you want to pick one up.
Exotic Aquatic usually has some. I got my Copperband from them and it's doing great. I don't have any Aiptasia, but it picks Spaghetti worms out of the sand and rocks, and finishes off the scraps from my puffer's clams.
barrier reef is in boca.... glades n boca raton blvd i think..just before federal hwy