anenomes associated with clownfish

dudley moray

host anenome...................................associated clown
cryptodendrum adhesivum.................amphprion clarkii
entacmaea quadricolour...a.bicinctus,a.clarkii,a.ephippium,a.frenatus,premnas biaculeatus
heteractis aurora...........a. akallopisos (p),a.bicinctus (p), a.clarkii
heteractis crispa.........a. akallopisos (p), a. bicinctus (p), a ephippium, premnas biaculeatus(P).
heteractis magnifica.....a. akallopisos, a. ocellaris, a. percula, a. perideraion.
stichodactyla gigantea......a. bicinctus(p), a. clarkii, a. ephippium, a.ocellaris, a. percula, a. perideraion(p), a. sebae
stichodactyla haddoni...a. clarkii, a. ephippium, a. ocellaris, a. sebae
stichodactyla mertensii....... a. clarkii, a. ephippium, a. ocellaris

mediterranean anenomes(should be avoided in the home aquarium)
actinia equina..........................a. clarkii
condylactis gigantea.................a. clarkii
(p) indicates a possible association
please feel free to add your own observations / comments
Re: anenomes associated with clownfish

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15065450#post15065450 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dudley moray
please feel free to add your own observations / comments
all of this and more (including photos for anemone ID and info for anemone care) contained in the anemone FAQ located at the top of this very forum ;)
Re: anenomes associated with clownfish

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15065450#post15065450 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dudley moray

mediterranean anenomes(should be avoided in the home aquarium)
actinia equina..........................a. clarkii
condylactis gigantea.................a. clarkii
(p) indicates a possible association
please feel free to add your own observations / comments

A condylactis gigantea is most found in the Caribbean, and Western Atlantic. Not sure if they are found in the Mediterranean.

And should note, that not all of the combos posted are natural.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15066182#post15066182 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dudley moray
well that just goes to show you how misinformed even published reference books can be !
exactly why we're here :D

keeping looking for the anemone FAQ. There's a whole bunch of anemone/clownfish FAQ's at the top of this forum. The anemone FAQ is in PDF format and (since it's more complete than many reference books on this subject and FREE) might be worth printing out.
Fautin and allens book is also a nice addition to your personal library, its also avaliable free online, it also has the odd mistake;) ;) ;) ;)
From Anemone FAQ

What anemones host what clowns in the wild?
The following list includes anemones and the clowns that they host in the wild. It should
be noted that this is not an exact or exclusive list; some clowns will easily accept other
anemones as hosts, while other clowns (particularly captive-raised clowns) will be
hesitant to host in an anemone, even if they are listed as a compatible species.
Cryptodendrum adhaesivum (adhesive or pizza)
A. clarkii
Entacmaea quadricolor (bulb-tentacle, BTA, or corn)
A. akindynos
A. allardi
A. bicinctus
A. chrysopterus
A. clarkii
A. ephippium
A. frenatus
A. latezonatus
A. mccullochi
A. melanopus
A. omanensis
A. rubrocinctus
A. tricinctus
P. biaculeatus
Heteractis aurora (beaded or sand)
A. akindynos
A. allardi
A. bicinctus
A. chrysogaster
A. chrysopterus
A. clarkii
A. tricinctus
Heteractis crispa (long tentacle, LTA, leathery, or milk)
A. akindynos
A. bicinctus
A. chrysopterus
A. clarkii
A. ephippium
A. latezonatus
A. leucokranos
A. melanopus
A. omanensis
A. perideraion
A. polymnus
A. sandaracinos
A. tricinctus
Heteractis magnifica (magnificent, ritteri, or skunk)
A. akallopisos
A. bicinctus
A. chagosensis
A. chrysopterus
A. clarkii
A. leucokranos
A. melanopus
A. nigripes
A. ocellaris
A. percula
A. perideraion
Heteractis malu (sebae, delicate, or sand)
A. clarkii
Macrodactyla doreensis (long tentacle, LTA, or corkscrew tentacle)
A. chrysogaster
A. clarkii
A. perideraion
Stichodactyla gigantea (gigantic or carpet)
A. akindynos
A. bicinctus
A. clarkii
A. ocellaris
A. percula
A. perideraion
A. rubrocinctus
Stichodactyla haddoni (haddon's, saddleback, carpet, or sand carpet)
A. akindynos
A. chrysogaster
A. chrysopterus
A. clarkii
A. polymnus
A. sebae
Stichodactyla mertensii (merten's, or spotted-base carpet)
A. akallopisos
A. akindynos
A. allardi
A. chrysogaster
A. chrysopterus
A. clarkii
A. fuscocaudatus
A. latifasciatus
A. leucokranos
A. ocellaris
A. sandaracinos
A. tricinctus
this list was in no way ment to be exhaustive it was only ment to be a list of commonly available clowns and anenomes and now that it has been pointed out the errors in one of my reference books maybe that should be the next thread errors in published works !!!
the FAQ list should be updated. A. polymnus needs to be added under Macrodactyla doreensis. photo of such from the solomon islands in inverts a quick ref. guide by julian sprung. also A. percula / H. crispa has been reported in books although i've yet to find a documented underwater picture. anyone know if that has been found to be false?
Mark- I've kept polymnus in M. doreensis although I don't know if it's a natural combo. (I seem to remember some sources citing it is.) I've never seen percula with H. crispa (naturally) although anything is possible in captivity.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15070778#post15070778 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Gary Majchrzak
Mark- I've kept polymnus in M. doreensis although I don't know if it's a natural combo. (I seem to remember some sources citing it is.) I've never seen percula with H. crispa (naturally) although anything is possible in captivity.

Polymnus/M. doreensis is 100 percent natural, I have photos of the pairing off Ko tao in the gulf of Thailand. The polymnus were the brown color morph in that case.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15072317#post15072317 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by adtravels
Polymnus/M. doreensis is 100 percent natural, I have photos of the pairing off Ko tao in the gulf of Thailand. The polymnus were the brown color morph in that case.
excellent input! It's really wonderful to have reefkeepers on this board located all over the world. I (only) have pix of the polymnus/doreensis pairing in my aquarium :)
