angel tankmates


New member
I'm looking to add some tangs to my 180 fowlr. Have about 150-200 lbs LR, already have a 3"juv. queen angel, 5" emperor (changing colors) Should I do a 5" red sea salifin tang and a small hippo tang ? Is there any way I can get a 3" purple tang into this ? I probley looking to do at least two of those tangs, after I qt them I would add them, but only if there won''t be any aggression. Is there a certain order or size I should do on the tangs ?
Think adult sizes on these fish, all of which are going to be rather large. The two angels alone are going to need a lot of room. Add two or three large tangs to the mix and there is potential for problem, not only in terms of aggression but also crowding and related stress complications.
IMO, choose the two smaller tangs, or even only one, and round out the tank with a few smaller fish (wrasses, gobies, clowns, etc) to give it some interest.
yes i want my fish to be happiest to their fullest potential. I just removed my H. tusk, he was'nt bothering the angels physically, but was just to hyper for them. I noticed a change (for the better) in their behavior only a few hours after removing him. I truly see how fish are affected by other fish that are not of the same behaviors. I was hoping to do the sailfin, but mabey I could just do the purple and hippo ? Hows that sound ? Then royal gramma and gobies etc. for detail .....