Ankor253's 270 build


New member
Well i had a thread on here with this build but I didn't suscribe to it and can't find it now so I'll start a new thread with pics. This tank will be srt-up by new I had a delay due to some unfortunate circumstances. You will see what I mean when I say unfortunate circustance in a bit. So just for some info on th new Tank and equipment.

Total system Volume- 400g-500g
Display- Glass 72''x36''x24'' tall
Skimmer- I have a CNC A300 right now but will get the new Vertex VA300 later
CaRx- Geo624
Kalk Reactor- Will be custom made by a local reefer utilizing a magnetic stirrer
Carbon Reactor- Will Custom made
Flow- 16000gph 2 wavy sea with Tunze Streams mounted to it. One with a 6060 and the other 6100, Tunze 6101 will be nicely hidden in the back corner of the tank to keep the back of the tank "flushed" from detriutus and 2 Vortec MP40 on opposite end of each other.
Lighting- # Large SE LLB reflectors, 2- IC250 and 1-IC400 ballast and IC660 for T5 lighting

I think that is all for the equipment for now. So on with the pics. First set of pics is of my stand and canopy. I had a local reefer buld it for me.



Pics of the equipment stand with the sump in its place.








I know the PVC glueing was very sloppy LOL. My 1st time doing this major plumbing stuff. Not pretty but it works though.
These pics are of the tank on the stand and room painted an olive green. What you see there inside the tank that looks like logs of poo. Well that is my sand barrier. I made them useing zip ties, black greatstuff foam, egg crates and crushed corals to make them somewhat natural looking. The half back of my tank will be BB and the half front will be SSB. The few reason for this is because I want to keep the back of the tank flushed from detriutus using a Tunze 6101 hidden nicely out of view behind the rock work 2nd I want to know and see where all my sand dwellers live instead of them building their home somewhere in the back of the tank where I hardly am able to view them third I'd rather go BB just for ease of maintenance but with the fish list that I have I need sand.




These sets of pics show the dead rock and then with them aquascaped in the tank. If you read from the beginning of the thread remember when I said I had some unfortunate circustances well we are getting closer to that part so on with the pics.

These sets of pics show the dead rock and then with them aquascaped in the tank. If you read from the beginning of the thread remember when I said
Did I forget to mention that my filtration will be in the garage and the DT will be in the office. Anyhow there are roughly 200lbs of rock in the DT if anyone was curious about that. So now to the unfortunate circumstances that I encountered. After running the tank I ran into a few leaks. I fixed a couple of them and then found that it was leaking from my return line from the true union. Anyhow I was to anxious in getting this tank running. I used silicone to try to seal it. It didn't work. So I decided to redo the return line plumbing. When I drained the overflow box. I noticed that I had a slight leak from the DT into the OFB so I drained the tank down to the level where it was leaking in and once again used silicone to try to seal it up. I then got my list of plumbing parts I needed and I figured while I'm at the hardware store I'll use a blow dryer to speed up the silicone drying. So off I went and came back home 2 hrs later to a tank with OFB box very warm to the touch. I thought I had set the blow dryer to air only but I guess I did'nt. Anyhow I proceded to redo my return line and everything looks perfect now. I let the tank cool down for about 6hrs. I felt the glass to see if it was still warm but it was cold to the touch. So I fgured I do atest run. I plugged the return pump in and off she went. To my surprise no more leaks!! I wa so happy and relieved. I had a Dr.'s Appt. to go to so I left to the Dr. and was quickly out. I was excited to get home to fire the system up. When I got home i went and check for leaks and the very last place I checked which was under my tank where my drain and return line bulkheads are it looked wet. I ran my fingers acrossed it and I felt a lip and I looked closer thbottom of the tank had cracked between the bulkheads. That was about 3 weeks ago. I am now in the process of fixing the tank. I ordered a whole new bottom 3/8th'' tempered glass piece. I will put the new glass right over the old and seal the tank up. I took out all the old silicone and have the tank preped for the new glass. I will be installing it this Sunday. The good thing about this is that I don't have to move the tank to repair it. The thing is I now have to rotate the tank and relocate the OFB into another corner of the tank where there is already a 1 1/2'' whole that I will utilize as teh drain and my return will come up and over the back of the tank now. So that is the long story of it. I hope to add better news to this thread in the near future!

Thanks for taking your time to look and read my build. this is my first mega system 400-500g well to me anyways.
Ok I got the new glass bottom in the tank and sealed up Sunday. I just finished putting on the OFB. Now I have to rotate the tank so that the OFB is in the back right. I need some muscle for to pick this beast up. Here are some pics. Nothing special but we love to see pics LOL!



I just got done rotating my tank today. So water will be going there in a week or so. I still need to do the plumbing. I highly doubt there will be any leaks from the tank itself. There is basiclly 3 seals that water have to go through before it leaks out of the bottom.
I havn't tested for leaks yet. I just got done rotating the tank. Well I was too excited to sleep last night. I ended up staying up well pass 2am last night working on the tank. I spray painted glass where the OFB is and spray painted all my Tunze PH black and buffed out the tank as best as I can. Here are some boring pics for evryone to see.






Thanks BigTuna! I did a water test and there are no leaks. I got the return line plumbing done last night and today after work I will pick up a couple parts to finish the plumbing for the drain. I was up until 1am last night aquascaping the tank. I didn't realize how late it was usually I'm in bed by 10pm:lol: . I will put sand in it today also and if all the plumbing goes well she should be running tonight or tomorrow.
Thank you for keeping your shorts on Sarang! I didn't want to flag your thread. Glad you finally got water in there! Everything is finally coming together!