Announcement of At-Large Director positions for the upcoming election.


Every year it is the BOD's responsibility to determine the number of at-large director positions that will be available at the annual elections. For those unfamiliar with the position the "At-large directors" are those people who are considered board members, but do not hold a position of office (Pres, VP, VP of PR, Treasurer or Secretary). They have an equal say the decisions of the board, but no additional required responsibilities other than being available for meetings or discussions.

The number of at-large directors must be kept at an even number in order to keep the total number of board members at an odd number. The ensures that a vote will always be completed with the president being the tie-breaking vote of the other BOD members).

This is the first time in the history of the club that the BOD has had a split decisions of voting as half of the board would like us to continue with 4 at-large directors (9 total BODs), and half of the board thinks 2 would be more appropriate (7 total BODs). This means that the final decision is up to me to break the tie.

I think that the more BOD members we have, the better the checks and balances are in place for an honest administration. I am going to place my vote for 4 at-large members. However, due to the difficulty in obtaining volunteers for this position (and others), the board reserves the right to pull this number to 2 at-large members if an insufficient number of names are present on the ballot at the time of voting. Remember that the number MUST be even.

The bylaws state that the BOD must announce their intentions for the At-large count a minimum of 10 days before the election which is today. This is why we are setting the number now, since we can't wait to see if more people sign up in the last 10 days before the election or on the floor before elections.

So we'll go with 4, as long as we have willing volunteers. The at-large position is your chance to have a greater say in the decisions that affect the direction of the club.

Good luck to all.

--Kevin Fizz
--President, NCPARS