Annoyed about purchasing cyclopeeze (or any frozen food) (pics inside)


New member
I had a half used bar of frozen cyclopeeze...
and I decided to be preemptive and prepare so I bought another one from my LFS...

Look at the pics. The deeper red on is my half used (in freezer, ziplocked) and the brown one is the one I JUST bought. I even took it home in a thermos so I would minimize melting...


I open it up and its BROWN. It annoys me to think that I try so hard to maintain quality (i.e. thermos, ziplock bag in freezer), not knowing how they were treated before I purchased them. They must have sat unrefrigerated for a while.

So purchasing cyclopeeze (or any frozen food for that matter) is a gamble, you don't know if there were problems in shipping, careless LFS etc.etc....I don't want to dump that brown pollution in my tank...what a waste of money...
Or it coule be mixed in with fillers so you might not be getting your money's worth from them. Scam?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10915969#post10915969 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Freed
Or it coule be mixed in with fillers so you might not be getting your money's worth from them. Scam?

Can't be fillers because the frozen cyclopeeze is vacuum sealed.
Unless the manufacturer of cyclopeeze did that....:(
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10915969#post10915969 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Freed
Or it coule be mixed in with fillers so you might not be getting your money's worth from them. Scam?

Can't be fillers because the frozen cyclopeeze is vacuum sealed.
Unless the manufacturer of cyclopeeze did that....:(
so what you are saying is that it cant be fillers because the frozen cyclopeeze is vaccum sealed?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10916001#post10916001 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by neelix
Better than the dry stuff they sell, nothing eats it!

My fish love cyclo-peeze flakes.
Why are you equating less red with rotten? It could possibly be natural variations in the different strains for all we know.

I would be surprised if the corals care one way or the other.
Does it smell bad? Does it look like it's all cyclops or some cyclops mixed in with other "stuff"? Should all be the same little critters all the way thru.
I buy the liquid life marineplankton...squirt bottle cyclopeeze :) I've been using it for 4 years and never had a problem with it.
I agree with Barjam.
The zoo plankton that makes up Cyclopeeze may have been harvested at different times of the year.
Seasonal variations can lead to the critters themselves having different coloration.
Heck daytime vs nighttime collection can lead to vastly different zoo plankton composition in samples.
On my research trip where I studied Zooplankton Biomass distribution in the Sargasso Sea, we found the composition to vary considerably in every sample.
Doing 100 counts of species using a microscope on a rolling ship in 12 foot seas was very interesting.
If you lined up 12 samples on the counter they would all appear different, just before they were pitched on the floor by that last big wave.

I think smell (as Freed noted) would be a better indicator than color. Opening a sample jar after 3 days that had not been frozen could make you heave your lunch over the side.
I would follow my nose, it always knows.

If it smells rotten it is. If it smells like the other one it is probably just a different color variation.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10916001#post10916001 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by neelix
Better than the dry stuff they sell, nothing eats it!
Speak for yourself.
My little fishies just devour the 'whole freeze-dried' stuff.
They can't get enough of it! Corals like it too.
hmm. thanks for the opinions..

hmm. thanks for the opinions..

you're right, color variation due to the seasonal change or diet before freezing is a possibility...

it doesn't smell any worse than the red ones...
(they smell ack anyway..)
I would send a picture to the mfg and see if they feel you have anything to worry about. I've never had a package differ in color like that, and I've been buying several of the huge bars every year for the past 2 or 3 years (whenever it became available).
