Mrs Postal
New member
It's that time of year again. Time to go down to Nokomis and enjoy an afternoon of BBQ and mingling. This annual event is a multi-club event that has folks from all over FL coming. Fro those who do not know, Brian Green is the original founder of the Tampa Bay Reef Club many years ago. There is always a huge number of people who visit each year and you do not need to be a member of any club to attend. If you need frags, this is your event. The event is large and in addition to some great food (Brian provides the entrees) you get a tour of Brian's operation and at the close of the evening, there is a Frag Auciton so bring cash(and it would be great for folks to bring smaller bills too! The limit for frag items is no more than 15 per person and no more than 3 of the same item. This is a big event so there are tons of folks who bring stuff. Bring pics of your stuff happy on your phone or tablet.
In addition to your family, please bring a side item or dessert item to share with everyone. There is a ton of food so just one dish is fine. The TBRC will be bringing our cooler with sodas, juice and water. Any other beverages of choice are your own.
Address: 201 Sunset Dr, Nokomis, FL 34275-3116, United States
Start time: 4pm; Auction when the sun goes down.
In addition to your family, please bring a side item or dessert item to share with everyone. There is a ton of food so just one dish is fine. The TBRC will be bringing our cooler with sodas, juice and water. Any other beverages of choice are your own.
Address: 201 Sunset Dr, Nokomis, FL 34275-3116, United States
Start time: 4pm; Auction when the sun goes down.