Another Blow to Reefkeeping

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Or more in my view, we should consider ourselves very lucky that we were alive to see such beautiful creatures. I have read many articles on how the current state of coral reefs is relatively 'new' to the ocean, that coral reef use to look very much different.

So I consider myself very lucky to have been able to see such stunning photos and creatures, although I have never had the opportunity to see them in real life (in the ocean).
i really dont find this shocking at all , as sad as it is . we have been a careless monster as a society for far too long and the fact that something as sensitive as a coral reef surprisingly has made it this long is a gift . get your scuba diving in before the ocean's had enough i.m.o
The climate has swung rapidly in the past, it will swing rapidly in the future, corals have made it, presumably they will continue to survive.

Global warming is real, it's probably not as bad as some have made it out to be, but the research is pretty clear.
As for climate change the general idea is pretty sound but the time table and maximum change they give you has got to be way of. I just don't see how the earth can get hotter than it was millions and millions of years ago when all the CO2 was still in the atmosphear we were closer to the sun and the core had not cooled off as much. Just doesn't make sense to me, but hey i'm not a scientist.

In addition to all these extremist warnings, if only half of them came true my house would be 10 feet under water right now. I think more people would actually beleive and do their part if it were not for all these wackjobs that say the world is going to end tomorrow.
The climate has swung rapidly in the past, it will swing rapidly in the future, corals have made it, presumably they will continue to survive.

Global warming is real, it's probably not as bad as some have made it out to be, but the research is pretty clear.

Agreed. The Fossil record shows a warming and cooling cycle over the earths history. Animals adapted or died.

Whether we are increasing the rate of this cycle or not, is another story.
This is a world of "cause and effect" and its hard to comment on this topic as it also has day to day consumer ramifications and therefore economic and "political" ramifications ....

to keep things "neutral": what we do to our planet and therefore the reefs has a lot to do with "consumer demand" and individual ecological footprint....

IMHO, politicians ?(and thier policies) come as "packages" (right vs left) we prioritize what is important to us at the polls comes with "causes and effects"....
basically if we emphasize some "moral legislation" it may/may not come with ecological baggage...

In another post, someone posted pictures of coral reefs of the Florida keys; again keeping things "neutral": if gas prices go above $5/gal would you want a oil rig there

..don't answer: THAT IS TRULY A RHETORICAL question and doesn't reflect any opinion of mine, but demonstrates the complexities and relationship of man vs. planet Earth
I just disregard any article or study that mentions global warming as a cause of anything. It saddens me that people still believe in this boogyman myth.
I just disregard any article or study that mentions global warming as a cause of anything. It saddens me that people still believe in this boogyman myth.

avoiding any bias:
...the problem is again: "political packages" ...

...if you believe in global warming, then you gotta accept the other political BS that goes with liberal politicians: and soon toilet paper recycling will be law :hmm3:

...if you don't believe in global warming, then you better accept oil rigs in the keys because everytime gas bumps up 2 cents/gal the conservative radioheads will be screaming for domestic oil production

I'm not taking sides, just pointing out that our decison makers make "Decsions" to stay in office, and not always in the interest of the bigger picture

...and while each of us as product consumers of the oceans can do our small parts, a better/bigger effect is at the polls...
Again, problem is: do you believe in the "Earth 1st we'll mine the other planets later" crowd? or the "fruit -n - nut picker" crowd (to use over the top sterotypes)
Oil rigs here in Texas make pretty good reefs. The answer is controlling the worlds population and you will control CO2. I know no one wants oil rigs in there back yard but they are putting them in Cuba, do you think they have any controls or standards?
Agreed. The Fossil record shows a warming and cooling cycle over the earths history. Animals adapted or died.

Whether we are increasing the rate of this cycle or not, is another story.

I agree there is climate change, but I think attributing 100% of the current change to people is silly and in a way egotistic. How can we discount millions of years of Earth history and say the few thousand years of man has that much effect. There are studies that show solar flares, solar wind, water vapor in the air, etc have just as much effect on climate, maybe more.
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