Another Blow to Reefkeeping

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Denial is an amazing thing. It makes difficult problems go away, just like that! :D Well, for a while, at least....
I guess regardless of our political persuations, we can all agree: people are good at "consuming" stuff and making "more people" ....

gotta go: I'll go get in my 16mpg Silverado and pick up some "orange roughy" and "chilean sea bass" at the grocery store ;-)
considering the head of the global warming study thinks that we should pass policy now and not wait for the report to come out surely has something to hide
Just a warning, some discussions are treading dangerously close to getting the thread shut down due to political discussion.

Your free to debate the popular media and the science, but the politics needs to stay out of any discussion on RC ;)
I agree there is climate change, but I think attributing 100% of the current change to people is silly and in a way egotistic.

If you ignore the popular media and just pay attention to the science, you'll find no one is saying we are 100% of the current warming trend. What you will find is that they are saying we are pushing a natural trend faster than would normally occur, and likely it will peak out higher than it would also occur without our obvious inputs.
If you ignore the popular media and just pay attention to the science, you'll find no one is saying we are 100% of the current warming trend. What you will find is that they are saying we are pushing a natural trend faster than would normally occur, and likely it will peak out higher than it would also occur without our obvious inputs.

+1 that's what I keep telling everyone. In addition, every single person today seems to have the courtroom mentality of requiring 100% proof before believing in anything. Science does not work like that, 95% certainty in science is way more than enough to act on.

Now, more related to the topic at hand, why would these news be a blow to reef keeping? They are a blow to coral reefs for sure, but not for reef keeping (well maybe in the long term when corals start to disappear)...
+1 that's what I keep telling everyone. In addition, every single person today seems to have the courtroom mentality of requiring 100% proof before believing in anything. Science does not work like that, 95% certainty in science is way more than enough to act on.

Now, more related to the topic at hand, why would these news be a blow to reef keeping? They are a blow to coral reefs for sure, but not for reef keeping (well maybe in the long term when corals start to disappear)...

I think you have the idea - if corals eventually become endangered, collecting may be outlawed (at least to some extent). Hence the importance of captive breeding and propagation.
I think you have the idea - if corals eventually become endangered, collecting may be outlawed (at least to some extent). Hence the importance of captive breeding and propagation.

There is a reason the scienticfic method exists, and a reason that many things which the gerneal public regards as fact but in the scientific world are still refered to as theories (ie the theory of evolution, the theory of relativity).

I always found it interesting that I think the philosopher Quine basically says we live within an era of knowledge. Within each era the science and mathmatics will develope to support the overriding evidence that exists during that era. For instance, when the Earth was the center of the universe, all the needed math and physics existed that proved (and the proofs were correct and still work) this notion. Then we entered a new era when one or two simple discoveries disproved all of this that was taken as fact. You can even see this today as we move from the basic priciples of relativity and quantum physics as explanations for everthing, to the new ideas or string theory etc. The difficult thing to understand and can not be measured is when that next simple notion or discovery may come along that in essence destroys everything we today except as fact. Wow that was a tangent.
There is a reason the scienticfic method exists, and a reason that many things which the gerneal public regards as fact but in the scientific world are still refered to as theories (ie the theory of evolution, the theory of relativity).

They are not "still referred to as theories", they will always be referred to as theories because that is what they are, scientific theories. A scientific theory is not what the general public understand as being a theory.

Scientific theory: an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning, especially one that has been tested and confirmed as a general principle helping to explain and predict natural phenomena.

Public understanding of theory: abstract though, unproved assumption, SPECULATION.

That's where half the problem comes from. Just wanted to put this out there because I know sooner or later someone says "oh, that's just a theory".

That is a good article, thanks for posting. The doom and gloom predictions are rarely right. What everybody agrees with is that 1) our activities are causing the planet to warm faster than usual and 2) this is bad for the reefs.

The difference is simply that some models point to destruction in 30 years (doom and gloom scenario) and others say it will be 200 years (the more "moderate" view above).
I just disregard any article or study that mentions global warming as a cause of anything. It saddens me that people still believe in this boogyman myth.

lmfao :lolspin::lolspin::lolspin::lolspin:

Thank you for that, I had a rough day and needed a laugh. I guess it's easier to just deny something that you know nothing about, after all people always fear what they don't understand. it's amazing to me in the age of knowledge that we have that there are still people like you.
If man made global warming is a fact, can someone tell me how long until NW Ohio is beachfront property with a reef out my front door? I'm thinking I will eventually get corals for real cheap this way :) The earth has swung from a smoldering molten ball to half covered in ice. I personally think it is a little far fetched that we make a spec of difference in respect to geologic (is that a word?) history.

All kidding aside, I am confident coral will still exist when we have finally figured out how to exterminate ourselves.
It fascinates me that some of the sceptics who regard human influenced global warming as a myth have no problem with rolling around on the floors of backwoods cabins babbling in fake meaningless languages while holding venomous snakes and asking invisible beings to perform magic.
It fascinates me that some of the sceptics who regard human influenced global warming as a myth have no problem with rolling around on the floors of backwoods cabins babbling in fake meaningless languages while holding venomous snakes and asking invisible beings to perform magic.

struggling to make the connection here, you do have my attention though!

From that article:

On the downside, however, it was more vulnerable to acidification hitting calcium carbonate levels, the "building block" of coral growth.

This I think (as well as several researchers I work with) is going to be the biggest stumbling block to the reefs adapting and moving to cope with warming. There as been a good bit of work showing drastic effects on larval shellfish survival and some negative effects on larval fish due to acidification of the oceans.
It fascinates me that some of the sceptics who regard human influenced global warming as a myth have no problem with rolling around on the floors of backwoods cabins babbling in fake meaningless languages while holding venomous snakes and asking invisible beings to perform magic.

Actually the ones that amaze are the ones living in modern concrete jungles that have completely transformed the landscape to something totally unrecognizable, obliterating entire ecosystems in the process. Add to that, the enourmous amounts of pollution, to the point that I can be 40 miles offshore and take a compass bearing on the yellow brown haze of pollution hanging over said city, and have that compass bearing be accurate enough to pinpoint my location for reliable navigation. BTW, while I'm 40 miles out, I get to see garbage floating along :rolleyes:

These same people can look about them, and somehow think man kind is incapable of altering the environment :confused:
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