Another Blow to Reefkeeping

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ummm...obesity IS 100% caused by overeating

You'd be surprised. There is actually evidence that in some cases there are genetics at play that can cause obesity in people eating the same diets as non obese people. So, while obesity is common to those that overeat, it is not the cause in all cases ;) However, that is getting far from the scope of a reef discussion least for anyplace other than the lounge.
But surely you understand, that IS essentially the popular myth Al Gore and his ilk have been creating for years. Global warming is going to kill us all, it's going to utterly destroy the planet, and we humans are responsible. Period. It's what the average idiot on the street actually thinks is proven, scientific fact.

Google "Al Gore's house" and ask yourself about this emperor's clothes. If he believed what he says, he'd live in a one-room, mud hut - with no electricity. And it definitely wouldn't be on the beach, where rising ocean levels will certainly destroy it in his lifetime. Right? And have you folks heard about how Al now admits he lied about the benefits of first-generation ethanol during his presidential campaign, to please the early-voting Iowa farmers? And yet, in spite of all this, people still believe in his hysterical, apocalyptic ravings.

What about all the other global warming messiahs? If they actually believed in this hoax, would they still have annual, first-class, fly-in conferences in exotic locations around the globe? Sending thousands of delegates, media, support staff, etc, by private jet to exotic places like Copenhagen, and Cancun? The carbon footprint of these flea circuses is staggering. There IS a thing called video conferencing, I think? And, if the "scientists" (I use finger quotes here) at East Anglica University believed, why would they still feel it necessary to falsify their data??

I could go on, and on, and on.

Are reefs disappearing? Sure. Wouldn't surprise me if they were utterly gone in a hundred years. Are humans responsible? Almost certainly. Is it because of "man made global warming"?

You've GOT to be kidding me.

OK back to the lounge where my statement is correct and you agree with me but don't realize it yet:jester:
Yes Climate change can indeed happen all of a sudden w/o mans intervention...matter of fact such an event happened in the VERY recent geological past:

But surely you understand, that IS essentially the popular myth Al Gore and his ilk have been creating for years. Global warming is going to kill us all, it's going to utterly destroy the planet, and we humans are responsible. Period. It's what the average idiot on the street actually thinks is proven, scientific fact

I can buy the theory that the Global Warming bandwagon is a election ticket in some circles...I agree with enough money & power even "Science" can be purchased

but then again follow the money, follow the debunking:
as your avg Limbaugh listener buys the opposite diatribe also...IMHO it is in certain businesses best monetary interest to debunk the global warming myth also...that way thier profits continue uninterupted without being circumvented by annoying "unimportant things" like "pollution controls" and nature preserves and endangered species and et et et

as we see its VERY hard to unhinge enviormental talk from economic/political interest...

(had to get that soapbox rant off before the invenitable closure of this thread) ha!
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It's all BS. Every time I am at a reefing convention or my local club has a speaker I ask them the same question, "when you dive, what are the reefs like?". The ALL come back with the same answer which is something along the lines of when you get away from the 'tourist-y' areas, the reefs are actually thriving. The parts of the reef that are near the tourists see a lot of damage from boat traffic, irresponsible divers and tourists along with pollution from nearby resorts and heavy populations.

The marine biologists tell you that the reefs are dying for two reasons. One being that they are working on limited budgets and simply cant afford the logistics of taking an entire scientific expedition to the more remote areas. So they end up relegated to nearby the high traffic areas where the reefs don't tell the true story. The second reason is that if they tell us all that the reefs are healthy, they'll all be out of work. Writing papers about dying reefs, global warming, blah blah blah is homemade job security and guaranteed funding from the liberals. Just the type of reporting I expect from MSNBC.

So let me get this straight the highly educated guy, you know the one with the title marine biologist. Ya he had to take a year of bio a year of physics a year of Chemistry oh ya let's not forget about the year of calc. Ya that guy how did all that and then devoted his life to let's face it a meaningful yet unfinancialy rewarding study of the worlds oceans is a liar? And the guy who dosn't even need a highschool diploma to go out and take fish and coral off the reef, is telling you the truth as he try's to sell you stuff?
Yes Climate change can indeed happen all of a sudden w/o mans intervention...matter of fact such an event happened in the VERY recent geological past:

I can buy the theory that the Global Warming bandwagon is a election ticket in some circles...I agree with enough money & power even "Science" can be purchased

but then again follow the money, follow the debunking:
as your avg Limbaugh listener buys the opposite diatribe also...IMHO it is in certain businesses best monetary interest to debunk the global warming myth also...that way thier profits continue uninterupted without being circumvented by annoying "unimportant things" like "pollution controls" and nature preserves and endangered species and et et et

as we see its VERY hard to unhinge enviormental talk from economic/political interest...

(had to get that soapbox rant off before the invenitable closure of this thread) ha!

Ya but don't scientists make billions in quarterly profits, while the CEOs of oil companies hardly make enough to scrape by. Oh wait a minute I think I have that backwards, your right. ;)
Here ya go gill, some Al Gore kool-aid, to wash down that class envy you've been lapping up!


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