Another one of those "What is this coral" threads.


Well-known member
I got this Acropora sp. at my LFS and it has been coloring up nicely. Yet I haven't a clue what it might be. Anyone happen to recognize this shape and polyp-type?

July 15

Morphing toward a green coloration by August 1.

Purple appearing at some tips

August 15
kinda looks like this one I got that exhibited nearly the same color change. Here is a pic, seems to resemble the august 15 pic, thought I would BTW, I also don't have a positive ID, I believe mine is a wild acro that I acquired as a brown-out deal....

Very nice polyp extension on yours, plyle02.

kev, that looks very close to the same shape. Thanks. I've never even heard of that one in all the posts I've read.
Good call kev, visually it is spot on to the squarrosa. I ran out of time before I could browse them all :p

the squarrosa looks pretty damn close but one never knows, regardless Marc it's a nice colony! Good luck with it!
Thanks Kev. You just doomed it for sure with that statement. :rolleyes:

Just kidding. I hope it will do well, too. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10566545#post10566545 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Thanks Kev. You just doomed it for sure with that statement. :rolleyes:

Just kidding. I hope it will do well, too. :)

LOL! I know it's in good hands with you!! :D