Another QT question on General Cure


I have currently in QT 1 GREEN CORRIS wrasse, a lawnmower Benny, royal gamma and a neon goby..I haven't had any deaths, well one neon goby was bullied into carpet surfing, I had them in QT without any medication for two weeks before dosing GC..At no time have I seen any indication of external parasites. I finished dosing first round of GC, 3rd week, and I'm preparing for second round..Its a small tank of 10g. I would have imagine that with the stress of the space that any external ,ick,velvet etc ... would be showing by now. My question is after the 2nd of GC ,4th week, would you dose copper or just observe for 4 more weeks?
I would not dose copper unless you can diagnos Ick or velvet.
If they are clean, behaving normal and eating, let them be.
While copper works great for Ick, maybe velvet if there's time, it can also easily kill your fish.
Never treat what you can diagnos...
Ditto that. But if we're just observing, I'd suggest a little longer QT period than usual. I go 8-10 weeks if things are doing well.
Ditto that. But if we're just observing, I'd suggest a little longer QT period than usual. I go 8-10 weeks if things are doing well.

I'm counting the 2 weeks prior to GC and two weeks after GC then giving it 4 more weeks 8 weeks .I believe that there is now way in a tank this small a opportunistic parasite like Ick or Velvet ,if present, wont show up .Especially with so such a heavy livestock. I have two mature HOB filters and a canister,rated 120g, and do two 50% water changes weekly .
Ditto that. But if we're just observing, I'd suggest a little longer QT period than usual. I go 8-10 weeks if things are doing well.

I just finished the second round of GC and the Royal Gamma seems to have a spot on his dorsal, not the fin but his back, that looks like either monogenea fluke or lymph... Looks too white for flukes.. I want to scream if its fluke. I'll do a FW dip and see. Thinking on running Rid Ich.
There are only 3 sure ways of eliminating Ick. TTM is the best for new fish. Hypo and copper are the other 2. GC may be effective for Velvet.
I've never thought of Rid-Ich as a "mild" anything. It's quite strong, and poisonous. I would never use any formalin product on livestock unless I absolutely had to. I've used quite a bit of it over the years, for freshwater fish like Discus. It kills flukes (and other invert critters) but the fish were never quite the same, i.e., infertile, loss of color, etc.
I've never thought of Rid-Ich as a "mild" anything. It's quite strong, and poisonous. I would never use any formalin product on livestock unless I absolutely had to. I've used quite a bit of it over the years, for freshwater fish like Discus. It kills flukes (and other invert critters) but the fish were never quite the same, i.e., infertile, loss of color, etc.

It's a good point you bring up. I am just at ends with fluke, I'll try two rounds more of just praziquantel. Then look for something else.
I've never thought of Rid-Ich as a "mild" anything. It's quite strong, and poisonous. I would never use any formalin product on livestock unless I absolutely had to. I've used quite a bit of it over the years, for freshwater fish like Discus. It kills flukes (and other invert critters) but the fish were never quite the same, i.e., infertile, loss of color, etc.

It's a good point you bring up. I am just at ends with fluke, I'll try two rounds more of just praziquantel. Then look for something else.
Never have issue with coppersafe. I use it regularly for all my fish. From wrasses, to angels, tangs, anthias etc

Never an issue