Any chance it was just stress?


New member
Is there any chance that my clownfish was just suffering from a major case of stress, thus why he acted the way he did and then died? None of the other fish are acting strange at all so I either treat the entire tank, which will be a first for me, or I cross my fingers that it was just stress.
I can go out and buy a tank with a filter and leave it bare bones, but I don't want to stress the fish by catching them and placing them in this new tank if it's not necessary.
Are there signs I can look for on the new fish before it becomes a major issue? how long from now could a parasite show his ugly face again? Meaning if I make it to Friday and see no issues, can I assume it was an isolated case?
Sorry for all the posts but this rookie is trying to bring it all in at once, which is probably a flaw of mine. Thanks everyone