Any corals not to bayer dip?

I just finished dipping some seemingly sensitive acros with no problems. 10mL in about 1.5-2 cups of water for 10 minutes, then vigorously shaking them out. I just made sure that the bayer went into solution and not sitting on any of the coral skins.

The acros were an efflo and pink lemonade, then a monti cap and a monti danae, and there was a favia in there as well (dipped it too just in case it had black bugs, and because it was in the acro tank and could in theory pick up red bugs or AEFW as well).

So far 4 days later, things are looking fine, and the acros actually had the least impact, as they opened up with PE within 12 hours of going into my tank.
I've never had problem with Bayers on smooth skin acro.. I did have issue with Revive and some other dips..

which acro are you guys referring to?
I've dipped 5 different smooth skinned Acro morphs in Bayer with no problems at all. I don't even measure how much Bayer per water volume any more. I just add the Bayer to the water and mix until it is too milky to see through. Then I add the corals, wait 5 minutes, 5 minutes in tank water rinse 1, 5 minutes in tank water rinse 2, and into the quarantine tank. I've dipped everything from acros to xenia with only one potential problem: I lost a small red dragon colony in quarantine shortly after the dip. But later, other corals in quarantine started doing poorly, so it may have been an issue with my quarantine tank and not the Bayer. Of course your mileage may vary...