any Electricians out there?


New member
i have one coming over today to run a dedicated 20AMP circuit for my tank......would it be a "must" to get a GFCI installed?
I have been running for over a year without one, but i figured i'd ask.
thanks for any help
I am not an electrician, but I'd suggest getting the GFCI breakers. They are less prone to tripping then the outlet GFCI. I'm getting them installed soon, just waiting on the permit.
Yes put in GFCI. Problem with putting a whole breaker on GFCI is when one thing trips everything in the tank shuts off. Is better to have a few seperate plugs as GFCI. So you can split up the important things. The only thing i dont have on a GFCI is my lights. I havent figured out how to keep my lights from triping the GFCI switch. My MH will do that as soon as they kick on. Not sure how to fix that one.
I wouldn't use the circuit breaker for the same reason above. GFCI outlets are pretty cheap at Dummy Depot.
and why do i hear all these stories of GFCI problematic tripping?
i've never had one problem with the standard outlet.
should i just have him run another 15AMP circuit to outlet behind tank and then split some equip. off to another outlet from original circuit?
I plan on having two seperate breakers for each of my setups. The GFCI breakers tend to falsely trip less from my understanding.
Sometimes when the power blinks, it trips the GFIC. Then everything is off even though the power is back on.

They make self re-setting GFICs. They do cost more but are worth the extra insurance IMHO.