Any idea what alage this is?


New member
I have a few spots of this alage on my rock and its seems to spread. It encrusts on the rock. I tried to brush it off with a tooth brush but it doesnt come off. I am a little concerned that its going to keep spreading so any suggestions would be appreciated.


Hard to tell from the pic but it looks like its plating at the bottom. Maybe just a dark coralline?
Jim, I'm pretty sure it's called Lobophora. It's a plating macro algae and very hard to get rid of. None of our clean up crew will touch it but there are a few fish that do eat it. Triggers I think but not sure.
Any other suggestions Rod / Jose? I really dont want to pulll the rocks out where this stuff is at cause it would me a total reaquascape project :(. I feel that its came in on a plug from a aquaculture sps.
Re: Any idea what alage this is?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6972938#post6972938 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jsbzmcdaniel
I have a few spots of this alage on my rock and its seems to spread. It encrusts on the rock. I tried to brush it off with a tooth brush but it doesnt come off. I am a little concerned that its going to keep spreading so any suggestions would be appreciated.


SALLYLIGHTFOOT CRABS eats Lobophoras. I have lobophoras in my tank gold ,browns ,redish, my Sallys. keeped them trimed.
I guess I will have to give them another try. I just hate the fact that they knock everything down, and eat the coraline alage. :(

I know there are many species of urchins and would like to know which ones you feel would do the job that are not such a PIA. :)
I have something similar, but the coloration is much more beautiful. Mine is red, green and yellow sworls. This is only one section of it I have left...The other area was on a rock of a digitata colony I recently sold.
Same thing?

Its hard to tell by the pics Mike. Mine is turd brown and encrusted to the rock. When there is a void in the rock it tends to plate. Its slick to the touch but very very difficult to remove by brushing it off. I have no other alage in the tank anywhere and my TDS, PO4, & NO3 are both 0. Its got to be feeding off something other than nutrients.
Mines the same way Jim...very slick, very hard...I'd have to chip it off...Almost coralline-like.
Yep....I thought it was early stages of coraline thats why I left it. After looking close I noticed it was starting to encrust over the coraline thats when I started to get concerned.
I'd try the lightfoot crabs, they can't hurt anything else. They've done a hell of a job of some turf algae I've just gotten the better of.
I did have some stuff like that on a wild zoo rock, I had it close to a power head and it disintegrated. Don't know if that's an option for you, that looks like it's on the bottom of your tank.
I think I've got a little of the same stuff....and I think it came in on an aquacultured coral also. Anyhow, FWIW, I don't think my urchin touches the stuff...(I've got Dave's urchin) If he does, it's not much munching at all. I think maybe I'll try a sally....I've got one in my softie tank and it's a pretty cool and well behaved inhabitant.
