Any ideas on Bubble Algae???


New member
I'm looking for help/ideas on ridding my live rock of bubble algae. I have a 72 gal bowfront that is about 6 years old. It has 4x65 watt pc lights and I had been fighting hair algae/cyano for about 6 months. I have been free of those two problems for about 6 weeks now (knock on wood) and now would like to get rid of the bubble algae through the tank. The sizes of the bubbles range from a few mm to almost golf ball sized. When I do water changes I pull as many off the rock as I can without breaking them, but can't seem to gain any ground. Any ideas on how to attack this would be great.

In habitants are:
Yellow Tang
Maroon Clown
Six line wrasse
Arc Eye Hawkfish
micro hermits, snails, 2 queen Conch's (Hair algae eating machines)
2 emerald mithrax crabs that I havent seen in weeks.
I have some bubble algae on just one rock, a big rock. I am thinking of taking the rock out of the tank for a month or so. Then put it back in as a base rock. That algae is difficult.
I have been fighting it for several months. I bought 2 Emerald Crabs, but they don't seem to like it either. I had it once before and it just finally went away on it's own. I have tried everything I can think of this time but it doesn't go away. I have been taking the rocks out of the tank, removing the Bubble Algae, rinsing the rock and returning it. It helps to keep it in control. Sure is a pain though.
When was the last time you changed your light bulbs?

Sailfin tangs, either kind, have been known to eat bubble algae. You might try putting more than 2 mythrax (emerald) crabs in there. They'll pinch the occasional bubble, too.
I had that problem and put a Naso in the tank, and he took care of the problem in short order. He is a great addition to the tank too.
my dads tank at his house is covered in this stuff-

2 emerald crabs were put in there, they put a tiny dent in it and then went inside the LR and molted and havent been seen since.

I got him a sea urchin the other day- and it has cleaned tons of this stuff of-
When I first got my Scribbled Rabbitfish he ate a few but has let a few go and from what I have seen hasn't touched them since.

Might be worth a shot.