Any Ideas?


Photo Nut
Premium Member
I got this as a frag from a person's neglected tank, and at the time was questionable whether or not it would even survive. It was fragged into 3 pieces to try and save it (all pieces are still alive), and has also survived a move :)

So, my question is, is anyone able to tell what this might be? It has colored up quite a bit.

Here's a picture when I got it on March 26, 2007:


And here is one of the frags today, August 18, 2007


Thanks, Brett
Haha, yeah I'm loving it. Definitely a diamond in the rough. Just wondering what it is :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10612619#post10612619 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by five.five-six
so you say you have 2 more of them... looks like about $50 shipped :)

Haha, I'm assuming that's an offer? And yes, I have 2 other frags of it, not quite as large.
True. After I commented I noticed the whole California thing.

I'll probably just plan on growing all of them out more, then hopefully be able to frag them a number of times.

It's my favorite piece in the tank right now out of like 20 other sps, and go figure, it was the free one that was almost dead when I got it.
hmm, I should check shipping charges.. I could name it Pennsylvania tort... we like making up names for corals here in kally-forn-ya :)
Too imature to tell for certain, but the coloration and the growth pattern reminds me of this one:


Which who I got it from said it was a GARF Tricolor. Though the picture of mine isn't as close as yours, take note of the "porcupine" growth on the top. This one had the same coloration as yours.
Thanks for the picture dots!

It does have a very similar look to it. I'm definitely excited for it to continue to grow out, as well as the other frags of the same.

Here is another picture of it with some polyp extension that I took the other evening:

I got mine brown and was able to color it up slightly better than the picture shown. I grew tired of waiting for it and traded it off. Another guy who had one locally had the same results.

The yellow tips and the purple just below came in fine. The rest just stayed brown like a turd and lost interest. Though, looking back at the picture, it looks like it was just about to turn purple. I hope you have better luck!!!