Any Interest?


New member
So I have been thinking about starting up a website to sell coral but would mostly be selling in the El Paso and Las Cruses area and I figured my customer base would be mostly people on here. How many people on here would be interested in buying coral this way? Also what types of coral are you all looking for zoas, softies, lps, sps? All feedback is much appreciated.
I hear this story all day along!!!! Steffen my dreams in my life is to open up a saltwater store and under cut the competition and make it affordable for everyone. O by the way i want to rape you of your knowledge for free and you can help me start up and maybe we can be partners. LOL THIS IS NOT A GET RICH QUICK HOBBY!!!!! You will starve your family before you will ever see a profit. Also you will need licences and much more!!! Sorry if this sounds negative but i am sick of helping people out that all they want to do is turn a profit! Does not work that way!!!!

Steffen Sparks
PS leathers are garbage!!!! :)
Haha no worries Steffen this is not a get rich quick scheme or even make a huge profit thing, just a hobbyist with a bit of spare time on my hands. I have already started looking into some of the licenses and what it takes and I have talked with several people and I know unless you are one of the big ones there is not much money, even some of them can't make it.

PS Want to be a partner? JK
How about breeding saltwater fish?!?! I think that would be awesome and something i have been doing alot of research on. I propagate coral in my system. Everything that i sale all has been propagate except for fish of course. Unless i can find a breeder. Its something i would look into. Thanks

Steffen Sparks :)
well they invented ebay, but i think with all the stores we got right now in ep its not really needed. local fish breeding would be really cool to see.
I thought about ebay but like I said this is just something in my spare time and am not looking to get big with it. Its funny you should mention fish breeding because that is where most of the profit will be going into. I have also been looking into it and have been thinking of starting off with a small set up for bangi cardinals.