any long term sucess with one time interceptor treatment


New member
Curious to see what sucess rate people are experiencing with one-time treatment of interceptor for red bugs. I've always been skeptical about using the drug because I know that it is also anilating other life forms. To date I've use it on 3 different occassions on my 100g reef and each time it cures without dissappointment. However, I just do the one time treatment and each time they would reappear 3-4 months later and multiply to radical portion shortly after. What am I doing wrong, what should I do?
I have had red bugs 4 times. The first time I did the 3 treatment thing. The last three time I've done a one time treatment at about 3x dosage. Worked great! The red bugs did not come back due to repopulation but to careless dipping procedures from new coral.
I had success witha one time treatment of course I moved all my Acros to a new tank and all went into a one time 8 hour 4x strength bath before they went in as well so no possible way any bugs could escape and now all new acros get a 6 hour treatment as well.
I treated my tank once with 1 full pill (I estimated at the time about 300 gallons of water) and I have not seen a single bug since. I had them for a long time, and they were on every arco.
Im 5 weeks free(Not LONG term but seems to have worked) using a dip and QT. 1/4 interceptor pill to 5 gallons water for a 20 minute dip. Havent seen one since and I inspect and take macros daily. Ill be moving them back to the display shortley.
TOOL live... I hate you :D

I did two treatments about a week apart at the correct dosage, maybe just slightly high. I did not do any water changes though until 24 hours after the second treatment... No bugs :)
I treated 4 months ago. In my 72 gallon I dosed a third of the large pill once a week for three weeks. Left it in 24 hours each time before doing a water change. I lost my lone hermit (gladly) and my cleaner shrimp. Enough beneficial pods survived to sustain my mandarin. Have since moved all to my 125 and added frags with no bugs yet.

These RB possibly have the ability to adapt and become resistant to this treatment so I would suggest against repeatedly treating your entire system. I have resigned myself to treat every incoming frag whether bugs are visible or not due to this possibility.