any overflow boxes out there for sale?

setting up a new tank? Or did the old one just break some how? If you are setting up a new tank I would go the drilled route instead of getting overflow boxes. Exotic Aquatics in Highland should have some though if nothing else.
The tank is great I just run a skimmer and canister filter and am looking to add a sump this summer!!!! BTW the green cap you gave me is rocking... The orange cap did not make it... Wierd huh? oh well....
I think I will be making the meetings now that law school is out for summer. Hopefully I can make the may 16 meeting!
whats funny is that my main colony of the orange was dying off for a few months after I sold those two frags. It has stopped dying now and is slowly growing back. If it is still on the recovery when we have the meeting and you showup I will try to break off small frag for you to replace it.
Yeah you said the green grew slow in your tank that stuff has grown a ton since then kind of funny fish tanks you never know!