Any recommended dives for Grand Cayman

Alvan Gale

New member
I am going to Grand Cayman in January. I was open water certified there a couple of years ago. I'd like to know some good spots to dive there, I'm more interested in seeing fish and corals than wrecks or deep wall dives. Anyone have any suggestions?
Two nice sites come to mind:

1. Armchair Reef on the Western side of the island. It is shaped like a giant letter "U" with a sand-flat in center where there are lots of Tarpon and two fascinating 20' mini-walls at the ends. The mini-walls form an overhang and there are neat coral formations of non-photosynthetic species. The bottom of the overhang at 65' has a deep groove where there are lots of fish. On the upper surface of the reef at 40' you are likely to see a turtle or two and lots of diverse species of coral as well as sponges.

2. Red Bay Cave on the Southern side of the island. No caves but really superb deeply cut spur-and-groove formations in an area where there is significant surge and chop at the surface. The dive begins with a drop over a ledge that takes you from 20' down into a groove at 45' (where the water is calm). The coral on the South side is very different and in much better shape because there are such few tourist. Lots of huge Elk-Horn Acropora and other branching coral. More colorful species than at other locations. Everything is on a much larger scale (probably because it hasn't been broken by divers and greater water motion). Great bio-diversity making for a highly impressive site (my favorite).
For just fish a dive site called LaMesa is full of fish this particular section of the reef probably has the highest concentration of fish than most of the island another good place for lots of fish is Cheeseburger reef which is in the same vicinity as LaMesa i have been to Grand cayman 80 times or so and as far as photo ops for fish LaMesa is it have a good trip
I think the dive shop we went with was called "Red Sail" and had awesome diving while we were there. I confirm that name in my dive log and if it's not right I'll let you know.
had a great experience with Divetech in July 07. Orange Canyon and Penny's Pinnacle were two sites that I really liked.