Anybody Else Shoot the Moon????

I was on manual. I set my aperture wide open and spot metered on the moon. I adjusted my shutter speed until my meter read +1 and took the shot.

Here is the supermoon with the eclipse full moon a couple of months back. just to show it was really not that super

I didnt shoot it but, I love this photo by Paco Bellido:

I spoke with my photoshop instructor about this image. Its not a double exposure. The moon was cut and pasted into the image. Its easily seen when you blow the image up, and look at the edge of the moon.

A cool shot nonetheless!
cool shot, yes

but knowing it was 'constructed' puts me off completely.....hell, not even keen to see his other work knowing this one was fabricated. Now, did he tell people he fudged this shot or was he mum about it?

Oh well, he wins Photoshop skill points if anything lol

How do you guys get a shot of the moon without the glare around it? All of your pics are so sharp. I've tried different speeds but there seems to be a glow around the moon.
How do you guys get a shot of the moon without the glare around it? All of your pics are so sharp. I've tried different speeds but there seems to be a glow around the moon.

Use the sunny 16 rule. Set Ap F16, and then match your shutter and ISO. Ex: ISO 100, shutter 1/100 sec.

Allthough, I have honestly found it works a little better at F11.
What other situations would call for the sunny 16 rule?

When it is a sunny day, and you cannot get a meter reading off of a subject...

You have to remember the moonlight is just a reflection of the sun... Which is why the sunny 16 works so well.
How do you guys get a shot of the moon without the glare around it? All of your pics are so sharp. I've tried different speeds but there seems to be a glow around the moon.

The best way is to shoot it a day or two before it's completely full. It rises earlier so there is still some foreground light to balance the exposure. Trying to shoot it when it's full, and get foreground detail, is very difficult. Our camera sensors, and film, just don't have enough dynamic range.
How do you guys get a shot of the moon without the glare around it? All of your pics are so sharp. I've tried different speeds but there seems to be a glow around the moon.

for moon shots, you can also use a tripod....if your camera does a decent job of it, crank your ISO up to 200 or even 400
I believe the "glow" the poster is complaining about is over-exposure, not motion blur. Changing the ISO doesn't help that.

so you're saying ISO has nothing to do with over-exposed shots in this situation? or in general practice?

ISO relates to light sensitivity, no? if so, doesn't that correlate to the level of exposure in the image at some point?

'scuse my newbness, oh wise one :)

so you're saying ISO has nothing to do with over-exposed shots in this situation? or in general practice?

ISO relates to light sensitivity, no? if so, doesn't that correlate to the level of exposure in the image at some point?

'scuse my newbness, oh wise one :)


If the camera is set in any automatic mode, adjusting the ISO will not change the resulting exposure. When you raise the ISO, the camera will compensate with shutter speed or aperture. If you're seeing motion blur, raising the ISO to allow for a faster shutter speed works, but you still need to set the exposure correctly.
If the camera is set in any automatic mode, adjusting the ISO will not change the resulting exposure. When you raise the ISO, the camera will compensate with shutter speed or aperture. If you're seeing motion blur, raising the ISO to allow for a faster shutter speed works, but you still need to set the exposure correctly.


and leave the tripod at home, as it is not needed... I find it much easier to shoot the moon with the method I stated above. Handheld.
That is if your steady enough... :)

and leave the tripod at home, as it is not needed... I find it much easier to shoot the moon with the method I stated above. Handheld.
That is if your steady enough... :)

ha Ur nutz. I wish I was steady enough to hold and shoot the moon and I'm 26.