Anybody Keeping Golden Dwarf Morays?

B Pierce

New member
I'm thinking of putting a golden dwarf moray( gymnothorax melatremus) in my 29gal reef. I hear they only get eight inches and fairly hardy.

Does anyone here keep them? Are they bold or shy? Did it take a while for it to accept frozen foods? How much did it cost ya?

Pics would be great too :D

I'd say mine is more shy than bold, but she isnt really shy, if that makes any sense. She'll come all the way out of her cave for food or if she's looking for food. But most of the time you'll just see her head poking out of a hole.

It took 10 days to get her onto frozen/fresh foods.

$150 at

Most of the time, this is pretty much what I see of her or perhaps a little more:
I'm tempted to order one but there is such an amazing color varation between eachother.

On wet web media is shows a GDM that is 100% white!! Does anyone know the chances of getting a white one.(I'm hoping to get a gold one)

LukFox, Great Moray!!

i have owned just about all the color morphs of these eels. I have had an all white one to a GOLD one.. Then in between (such as rotten banana look, then ripe banana look with the black dots all over)

The chances of you getting an ALL GOLD is very very slim unless someone hand picks it from the wholesaler or w/e for you. Usually they are like lukfox's. Yellow highlights on the tail and head and dorsal and then fades a little to a darker tan or brown.

I would ask to see it frs before you order online, have them take a picture, and if they dont then that really isn't good customer service!

good luck

these are old pcitures of mine that i sold or traded locally
hey I am very close to buying a golden dwarf moray from my looks to be a great color variant for $160, seems like a good price from a LFS...

what is the recommended acclimation process?

I have a mixed reef, 92g, anthias, true sebae clowns, potters angel, cleaner shrimp, royal gramma.
just do normal acclimation. They are very hardy. When you feed it, make sure you mix up the diet. It is bad for them long term if you only feed them a few things. All the fish you listed should be fine with it as well.

great thanks, I am iffy if I want to sped $150 on a fish/eel but I may have to pull the trigger as they are so cool and I think that is a good deal from a LFS, don't want to order online.