anybody use solar power to run there tank

As anyone checked out the wind generated power?A friend of mine at work is getting ready to do this it is pricey up front but it will run his whole house (3,550 SQ.FT.),all electric except for propane heat,you can sell back what you dont use to the electric company for the same price you pay for it. I will get the web site from him for need to be in the country this thing is 30 ft tall and they install it...
Let me help you guys out before you go and waste a hole lot of money...

I live out in Oregon, kinda in the middle. My best friend lives about 45 miles east of me, in an area called 'the bad lands' (what a place to live :) )

Anyways, no power, no water, no sewer. He bought a solar/wind generator, inverter, and batteries. During the day, most things work great, although I have heard his lady upset about not being able to run like to oven and her hair drier at the same time. In other words, if you are really going to think about doing this, you need to SERIOUSLY overbuy. Meaning, if you need 50kwh per day, you should plan on buying equipment to give yourself 100kwh per day. Just my .02 because I have seen what they have been dealing with for like 2 years. Oh yeah, by the way, his system wasn't cheap.. .something like 10k for the system not including the batteries.

Well I hate to say it but that tank load really is what a house load would be like. To have 1500 watts during the day you need atleast 1500 watts worth of panels, actually a bit more since you won't get optimal energy production during the entire day. Then you want 700 watts at night, so you need that much added to your total panels and a serious number of batteries since solar panels don't work all too well at night. A rough guestimate is you'd need a 3000 watt system with batteries plus inverter to do what you need.