anybody w/ 200g + acrylic tanks?

* Acrylic scratches can be easily buffed both inside and out, even while the tank is full of water.
I'd change this, from "can be" to "might be"... to reflect the severity of scratch, a minor scratch easy to buff out outside the tank, inside the tank not that much hard, a number of scratches (large area) easy to buff out outside, quite a bit of elbow grease inside the tank (your arm will let you know the next day how much work you did) a deep gouge can be buffed with a lot of work on the outside and WILL leave a visible distortion, inside the tank, next to impossible unless you have one of those underwater sanders. Any sort of crazing can not be buffed out.

However I was under the impression any seams on acrylic that were near a MH light or similar hot source they could potentially craze and fail.

For me though it's all about the razor blade.