Anyone been diving In Panama?


New member
Im thinking of going to Panama in March. just wondering how it is for diving and snorkling? Any tips or coments are welcome aswell as photos.

There was a writeup about diving in Panama a few months back in Scuba Diving magazine. You might search on their website,

It was a few years ago but I got certified & my Advanced in Panama. Portobello has a number of nice dive operations. Buzos and Scuba Panama come to mind. I was in the Army at the time so we would rent gear at Ft Clayton and drive across country (that could be exciting) to Portobello on the Atlantic side. Portobello is an interesting and very historic town. If you want to do something different you can dive both the Atlantic and Pacific in the same day. will give you some good information. The diving will be better than the snorkelling and the boats were VERY affordable.