Yeah, don't let them tell you that you can't take your boat there. It's true that it's a law that you can't take fish or lobster from some protected areas, but unless they've got guns, Flip them the bird and tell them to get bent.
There's a ton of people who will tell you all kinds of self-serving things when it comes to the law and the water. South Florida's the worst - probably in the country - when it comes to scams... Especially with the government. The bottom line is, there's only two laws on the ocean... Mother nature, and whoever's got the biggest gun.
To avoid finding out who's got the biggest gun, don't take ANYTHING but pictures and memories from Pennekamp. Avoid killing anything, including fish - it's cruel to pull an animal out of it's habitat by it's lips and let it suffocate to death.
...And if a boat approaches, be it equipped with gumball lights or not, know that pirates come in all forms. Cooperate so you don't get shot, but other than that, volunteer nothing.
Yes, you can take your boat, and no, nobody owns the oceans... Not even those at Pennekamp.