Anyone dose Vitamin C, Vodka oe sometihng out of the norm?


New member
I've read about a lot of people dosing Vodka and Vitamin C and had good results. I've look for the V C locally and have been unable to find any. I Even tried the health food places. If anyone uses anything "unusual" chime in and share some experience.
The closest thing to "plain" Vit. C I found at Mejier. It will have other ingredients in it to hold the pill together. Its suppose to help Zoa's especially if they arent looking to hot.
Vodka dosing I have looked into I just want to read up on it a little more and Im curious of what the long term results are. Alot of people say its just to increase skimmer performance. Which if your stripping your system of everything, you have to buy Zeovit products to dose to keep everything in balance. Alot of work. I really dont know if its worth it or not, but alot of people ask this question on the forums with very mixed results.
I did a good amount of research on several of the bacteria driven systems (zeovit, prodibio, neo-zeo, etc) and came to the conclusion that the same results can be achieved without all the additional costs and time needed to dose.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14769149#post14769149 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SunnyX
Thanks you! :D

When I first started dosing vodka I was not using bacteria. Within a month I began to have a red cotton like growth on my rock work and sand bed. I looked around and found that this is a common problem found in some Zeo systems. One of the solutions was to add beneficial bacteria to compete with the harmful bacteria.

So, I stopped dosing vodka for a week and began dosing MB7 during the week that I was not dosing vodka. It has been about two months now and I have yet to see the red cotton appear again.

Also, I am not sure how well the bacteria is feeding my corals but they all extend their feeding tentacles when dosing bacteria.

So far the results have been positive with the bacteria additions. My skimmer pull out much more waste then it had with vodka alone, and I feel that my system is much more stable.

The way I see it, why risk having a harmful bacteria take over your tank? The vodka is going to feed the predominant bacteria in the tank, whether it is good or bad. With the bacteria additions at least you will be less likly to encounter a dino, cyano, or red cotton bloom.

Here's his thread. He has a pretty nice tank
Yeah, I have been following Sunny's thread for about 5 months now. His tank is definitely nice. There are a lot of tanks out though just as nice that don't dose though. I look at vodka dosing as a way to export nutrients. There are lots of ways to do this (i.e. GFO, macro algae, etc.) I guess you just have to find what works for you.
Same here Dave. Just like there are people that go a year without water changes, dont run skimmers, ect. and their coral have nice color and growth. There are so many ways to achieve what you want. The hard part is to find what will work for you.
For anyone who wants to try it. I have the zeo rock and starter pack that I am not going to use.
I tried the vitamin C and didn't notice any noticable changes....I have the pure ascorbic acid that is recommended if anyone wants to give it a try I can bring the bottle to the next meeting and they can try with what is left of the bottle......about 7/8 full.....I think I was dosing 1/2 tsp at the are welcome to it.....btw...selcon contains a high amount of vitamin c as one of it's ingredients.
I have tried some selcon with the frozen mysis and my skimmers overflow. you get that Lorna? Klaus sells it.
It wasn't bad or I wouldn't have bought it..... :) If you want to try it I can bring the bottle with me to the next meeting and you are welcome to it.....
I know this thread is a little old but I was wondering how the dosing is going. VC works much better than any other carbon dosing, because it also aids in collagen production/repair, which is why it hrlps with melting zoas & also cures zoapox in high doses.

Here are the directions:
Use this product:

To figure out how much to use, decide if you want to simply improve coral growth, spread, and color. If so, then you should dose around 5 ppm twice daily (down to 2-3 ppm works also). If you are having problems with coral or fish health, dose up to around 30 ppm twice daily.

Calculate the total net number of gallons in your tank (minus rocks, sand, etc). Enter that number here ______.

You will now need to do a little math. The amounts below are for 100 gallons of water so if you have 50 net gallons, cut the amounts shown below in half etc.

Dosing amounts using Iherb product:
1/4 tsp=1112 mg.

For every 100 gallons:

5 ppm ----- 1892 mg VC
10 ppm ---- 3785 mg VC
15 ppm ---- 5677 mg VC
20 ppm ---- 7570 mg VC
25 ppm ---- 9462 mg VC
30 ppm ---- 11355 mg VC

After you have figured out how much you want to dose at each dosing, enter that number here _____. This is your dose to be used twice a day.

*Be sure your pH and alk are within normal reef limits before starting. Adjust if needed. Monitor weekly.
*Shoot for a ppm of around 5 or lower if only dosing for improved coral growth, coloration, and spread. Shoot for higher amounts up to 30 ppm if you are having melting zoas or closed zoas and look for the causes of your problems as you dose. Check for high nitrates, pests, zoa pox, predators, and unstable water conditions.
*Dose low amounts and increase the amount slowly over the course of a few days to a couple weeks.
* If you notice an algae bloom (white stringy stuff) or increased scum on your glass then cut back by half until it disappears.
* Watch your skimmer, it will start to skim more.
* Dose the amount twice a day in a fast moving area of your sump or overflow. You may dilute the vitamin c in ro/di water then pour into overflow. If adding to sump, try and add the vitamin c after filtration such as skimmers and reactors. *Keep your Vitamin C bottle in the refrigerator. * If you have a question, ask here. I do my best to check these threads daily.
* The instructions in this guide and throughout this thread are based on using pure Sodium Ascorbate, not vitamin c pills and other non-buffered forms of vitamin c.

Be sure to take some "before" pics!
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