Anyone fix/test a dual 175w halide ballast I possibly got ripped off on?


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Back in the summer I bought a 75g RR tank (ken you have it now) a supposed 20g (actually a 15g) drilled tank and a dual 175w halide ballast. All of this was from a forum member named Mongoose. Well I never got around to setting up the ballast, finally got the wiring a month back and I actually let my brother use it. Well he went to try it last night and the bulb would just barely light up, I couldn't even tell it was on. We tried different bulbs, wiring, sockets, etc etc. We know everything else worked because my brother has a single 175w set up now, and wanted to go to duals. So we eliminated everything but the ballast, it just doesn't work.

So anyone have anyway to test/fix this ballast? Even though we tried everything to get it to work, but still nothing. Maybe there is an easy fix, doubtful. I know Mongoose probably didn't know the ballast didn't work, but I hope he is honest enough to refund my money. I tried PMing him but he doesn't receive them, so I emailed him. Hopefully he is as honest as everyone else on RC in the hobby, and pulls through. If not, I don't know what to do, suggestions?
Most ballast are not fixable. However if its older it probably uses a capacitor to fire the bulb. This may be bad. Get the model number of the ballast and we can tell what you have got. Also if you see what looks like a can either round or oval, thats the capacitor. get the number for it also
Mongoose has been around for awhile and has always seemed up front to me answering questions and dealing well with people as far as sales. I think maybe you should have dealt with him privately though and not brought his name out into the open first before he had a chance to rectify the situation. Especially since you did use the words "ripped off" in the thread title. Just my 2 cents.
First of, I said possibly, I was waiting to hear back from him. Which I did. He said that he checked it before selling it, but when I went to buy it, he didn't have the cables to sell me or check it for me. Now I finally go to hook up the ballast, and ironically it doesn't work. He thinks I am calling him a liar now, but what does that show when you say something works and it doesn't? I don't care, but I paid for a working ballast, I expect one. I guess an expensive lesson learned is to always make sure whatever you buy works, and never take anyone's word.

Al, the ballast is at my brothers, he is getting a model number for me and he will hopefully take it apart tomorrow and find out more about the capacitor. When we hooked it up, it was like it wasn't putting out enough power. The center of the bulb barely turned on, but you couldn't even tell unless you really looked at it. So it got power, but just didn't have any output. Could that be the capacitor? Thanks for your help, I'll get the info soon hopefully.
Normally it wont fire at all but it could be the capacitor. Someone may have an old tar ballast laying around for a cheap fix.
Ok the ballast is a Custom Sea life Inc ballast. I remember they got bought out by champion lighting. The only number on it is Upc 17520 I don't know if that helps? I'll have to wait until tomorrow until hopefully my brother takes apart the ballast, try and get more info especially on the cap.
Not much on google

Custom Sea life, Inc
UPC 17520
2-175Watt metal halide
120 volt 3.5 amp

6KV 600V
Pulse 2000W
ULC Listed Rated

The ballast will have a number like M57 OR M137. If its m57 it will have a capacitor. I gave ted a ballast and it was an m57 not sure if he is using it but it had a good capacitor. But first get the info together. We can test the capacitor.
Yeah, it will probably be this weekend before my brother can rip apart the ballast. Hopefully we can figure it out. Thanks for all the help, I'll keep an update on how it goes.
Cool, I will see if my brother can take it apart this weekend and look at it. Everyone think that is the problem? Wonder how much a capacitor costs?
Ok, sounds good. I don't have much corals right now, but tomorrow I will be getting some and some next week. I only have kenya tree and xenia right now, but maybe some more this weekend (colt, shrooms maybe?). Let me know, thanks!
Did you try leaving it plugged in and on for a while I had one that hadnt been fired for a while I left it plugged in for about an hour and now it works great the bulbs fire and its fine how long did you leave it plugged in?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11622669#post11622669 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DamnPepShrimp
Ok, sounds good. I don't have much corals right now, but tomorrow I will be getting some and some next week. I only have kenya tree and xenia right now, but maybe some more this weekend (colt, shrooms maybe?). Let me know, thanks!

Sorry, forgot to check when I got home the other night, but I checked this morning, and I have 3 - 250 watt M58 ballasts and capac., and 1 - 400Watt M59 w/ capac. All Magnatec.
No 175 watters.

They are new, never used, but they are several years old.
Reefdiver, We did leave it unplugged for 30 mins or so, no change. I could try it again. We left the light on for about 15 mins, never got any brighter.

I don't think that would work then, thanks though scubadoo2.
My brother had to work all weekend, he didn't get around to doing it. He's kinda lazy sometimes, but he works the night shift so it messes him up. Hopefully he can get it soon, I'll let you know, thanks for your help.
Ok, finally my brother ripped apart the ballast! He found two capacitors, one for each halide. Here is what they said

10uF 400vac 60hz 100*C
int.ref.2.38meg(ohm symbol) no pcb's

Anyone have any clue? I'd like to get two new capacitors and try to fix this ballast! If anyone has any caps they don't need, let me know, I'll buy them or trade a frag for them. Or if they know where to get these caps from? Thanks!