Anyone got an old aquarium laying around?


New member
I want to be build a sump/fuge under my 92g corner.

Is it better for it to be high or long?

Anyone have any suggestions for a newb tryig to do this for the first time to help make it go smoothe?
If you have a skimmer in the sump i suppose a longer sump would be better. less change in operating water level for the skimmer pump to work with. a longer sump gives more space to put other features or equipment.

but most important, is that the sump be large enough to handle the drain back from the tank during a power outage or pump break down , plus the normal sump level.
How do I figure out how much space to leave between the baffles, and how high / low they get mounted?

Is it just a matter of preference or is there a functionality there as well?
I have 10g, 20g high, and 30g aquamiums if you could use any of them let me know. In a month I may have a 20long as well. I used to keep a lot of different little fresh water tanks, so I have a lot around.
I tried to look up how much TPP was selling them for new, but it doesn't look like they are selling them right now. It is an AGA I am pretty sure as that is what I always buy. I am actually using a 20high right now for my sump.(and one for my gecko, and one for some feeder insects for my gecko)

I could bring it over if you live close. I can't keep track of where everyone lives at. Perhaps that would be a good idea for the club website to have some kind of map of members houses with stars just on the cities they live in. Not there whole address or anything like that, lol.

I will PM you.

Craig/Joe/Cathy - what did we settle on? Anyway if the tank from Jon didn't work out, I have a bunch of 10's and 20longs which might be a nice size to work with for a sump. Let me know if you're interested. - Mary