anyone got some nice sps to trade?


New member
just looking for some diversity and I like colorful stuff ( who doesnt ). Lost a few colonies while i was neglecting my tank so i need some new stuff.

Have on my fragrack now. a few others not in pics too.


i got some sticks to trade. i have some green poccilpora and rainbow. I also have some neon green/blue birdsnest.
I have a bunch, what do you have? I'm looking for the following,
Ultimate Stag
Strawberry Shortcake acro
Paletta Pink tip acro
Christmas Acro or Green & Pink Acropora sarmentosa
Pink and Green with Green polyps Acropora abrotanoides
Super Pink Stylophora
Icefire Echinata
Aussie Blue Echinata
Blue Hoeksemai
Carl's Candlelight