Anyone have experience with Deltec scc 2061 skimmer?


New member
Hello Fellow Reefers,
My SWC 230 skimmer pump died. I've replaced it once already and this skimmer has been giving me issues for 7 years... it's time for a change. Im looking for a new skimmer. I have a 180 gal sps tank with 40 gallons of sump water. My current skimmer is base footprint is 10.5 by 13". It just slips into the sump (clearance between top of sump and display is 10 and 5/8 inches. I'm looking into replacements like nyos quantum 220 or deltec scc 2061 with dc pump. I am would love to hear experience with the deltec 2061, I've seen info on the 2060 but nothing on the dc version online. I've also looked into the vertex alpha 200, but am hesitant with going with it since it has the same pump as my swc which I've had to replace twice in 7 years.

Thank you ahead of time for reading and giving me you honest experience :-)

I'm open to other suggestions. I also considered the octopus line if dc skimmers, but they all need 11" of space to get into the sump, at least the ones for my situation. Especially since I'm considering upgrading tank sizes one day.