anyone here do the zeovit method?


Premium Member
i think i remember 1 guy in the club, maybe it was carlos ? thats been running it, what do you think so far?

any other members?

i dont really know much, going to start looking into it tho. is it a pain in the a$%? if theres things that need to be dosed daily, would getting a bunch of dosing pumps do the trick?

all i know is ive seen a few zeo tanks, and there sps are just out of this world.

just curious if any of you guys run it

thanks in advance
I ran Zeo at the for about a year and a half then thought could do without it or substituting for another method the tank slowly declined and lost 90% of my frags, I just got back on it about a month ago and can see the difference.
You have four basic items ZeoBac, ZeoFood, ZeoStart and ZeoLit (rocks) plus I add Zeo Amino Acids. Dosing is not that bad ZeoBac and ZeoStart twice a week 1 drop per 25Gals, ZeiStart and Amino 2ML daily and ZeoLits on a reactor. You have to dose more often the first two weeks.
I will be glad to share my experience with Zeo and I have no complains. it works just like many other methods just happens that it fits me.
The dosing schedule will be different for every system. You have to fine tune it for what works for you.

I am using it (New to the method) and still tweeking everything.

I can not comment on long term usage (obviously) and it may be coincidence (since this system is really geared towards SPS) but my PPE's (and YOURS) sat dormant in my tank till I started Zeo. They are both starting to take off now. Your two polyps will be 5-6 in the next few weeks. My 3 polyps will soon be 8-9.

My SPS were browned out because of a high nutrient load. They are now light (almost bleached in some instances) and should start popping colors at any time.
it was lulio i was thinking, not carlos. i remember you brought it up at a meeting a little while back.

i think im going to give this a shot, do you still run a skimmer lulio? chuck?

great news about the polyps, i knew there was a reason i let you hold onto them for so long!!! :) jk.
1 q, i think with zeovit tho, if for some reason you numbers jump around, your much more likely to lose everytihing? am i close on this?

you get the most insane colors because they are at the very verge of dying and are alot more vulnerable?
I run a ASM G2 with mesh mod on a 90 Gal they recommend heavy skimming and charcoal.
They have products that allow you to play with the colors but I do not use them, only the ones I mentioned for incredible polyp extension and overall health.
Try this link for more info on the different product, I also have a guide that I can email you.
A great place to check will be the zeovit forums.

Also look into people running Polylabs and Prodibio as well.

I'm debating which to run at this time, but I'm waiting for Reefsahoy to get back from Europe and give me his opinion on all these methods since he will be seeing them first hand.


Got any pics to share? Always wondered if anyone here locally was running Zeo as well.

I read the manual for Zeovit. According to the manual, you should start out with about 60% of the dose you calculate for your system. Too much of the stuff can destory your corals.
As soon as reefhoy gets back we will debate the method.

Please post Pics before and after using Zeovit.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11852676#post11852676 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dobly_1999
I read the manual for Zeovit. According to the manual, you should start out with about 60% of the dose you calculate for your system. Too much of the stuff can destory your corals.
As soon as reefhoy gets back we will debate the method.

Please post Pics before and after using Zeovit.

Yes this is very concentrated that is why you add drops, seems a little but keep in mind a drop affects 25 gallons. My mistake starting was too much flow though the rocks I noticed STN posted on the Zeo forum and was advised to run on a timer 1/2 hr on and off that ended the problem.
I will try posting pictures tonights, never have before due to lack skill compared to the pictures around here.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11853817#post11853817 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fish2reef
I will try posting pictures tonights, never have before due to lack skill compared to the pictures around here.

Don't be intimidated. Most people, including me, take bad pics ;)
