Anyone interested in a 12" Mantis Shrimp?


New member
There is a good possibility that I can get some 12" Mantis shrimp into the country. I'm getting one for myself, but have never kept a mantis before. Could be interesting. Please let me know if you'd be interested in one. I'm still awaiting the shipping details and costs.

I'll keep you posted. If I get these things.....I'll have to know how many to order. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Do you know what type of Mantis it is?? I can do some research for us and find out what water conditions, food, etc. it needs. Is it a smasher or a spearer?
I don't have many details on them yet. It is however, my understanding that they are smashers. I have a friend that imports discus from asia that is getting them. He has actually "eaten" them before while travelling over there. His contact there can't quite understand why he wants them shipped alive....LOL. He did mention that they are green if that helps.

DITTO everything ADhybrid said. I'd be VERY intersted in 12 inch mantis. I would first have thought they would be the big 'Tiger' Mantis from Hawaii, but they aint green nor are the smashers. I would LOVE to have a 12 inch green smasher. I must say, sounds like it might be a fish tale, I've been studying mantis for years now and I aint never hearda no green smasher species that big. Keep us posted.
Scott L.
Trout, I am also interested in going in with the others if you can get a couple. Just keep me in mind if and when you do (email or pm me)... thanks.
There is only one smasher that approaches 12 inches in length and that is Hemisquilla ensigera from Southern California. There are two other species of Hemisquilla, H. braziliiensis and H. australiensis. Both are smaller. The largest Hemisquilla I have seen was about 11 inches (28 cm) and that is plenty big. In southeast Asia the larget smasher is Odontodactylus scyllarus. The largest one I have seen was just under 20 cm, about 8 inches in length. I doubt that they get any larger than that. They are eaten, however, and I have seen plates piled high with several bright green O. s.

There are several spearers that reach or exceed 12" including several species of Lysiosquillina, Lysiosquilla, Harpiosquilla and Bathysquilla. The largest species I know of is Lysiosquillina that is reported to reach a size of around 40 cm - nearly 17 inches. The largest one I have collected was around 35 cm.

count me in for one, if you place an order. i live in wisconsin, so shipping should be pretty reasonable. ;)
I am interested. I live near Detroit and work at a pet store. I can drive to grand rapids to pick him up. How much are you asking for them? Please e-mail me with more info. I can even call you if you want.

e-mail me at
Scotty said:
I must say, sounds like it might be a fish tale, I've been studying mantis for years now and I aint never hearda no green smasher species that big. Keep us posted.
Scott L.

Sorry things sound "fishy" to ya....but I honestly don't know a lot about mantis.....but have a good opp to get some. As I said above......."I understand that they are green"......that means I'm talking about a phone conversation with my doesn't mean that I have hard facts. I am also trying to share a resource with others at little or no cost to please...give me a little break here for not knowing the absolute specifics..

There is green and then there is green. There is no smasher known to science that is a foot long and that is bright green like an Odontodactylus scyllarus. On the other hand, some large squilloids like Harpiosquilla can have a greenish cast to them with green markings on the denticles, teeth and ridges of the cuticle. If these animals are as big as the supplier says, then they are probably squilloids.

Hey Troutman,
Didn't mean to imply that you're trying to pull the wool over, only that your supplier might be uninformed or exaggerating. His stats don't add up to any stomatopod in existence as Dr. Caldwell has also noted. Still be interested to know what he does have though, big mantis are awesome animals.
Well.....we shall soon see! There are two coming in on Monday. I won't have mine until the end of the week. I'll be sure to post some pics of it. They have a long trip, so I hope they make it alive. And you're absolutely right, my supplier doesn't even have a marine tank. He's into discus, so doesn't know much about the shrimp. I hope the collectors didn't remove the spears/clubs from the mantis.

I'll keep you all posted.
