Anyone know of some corals that look like waves of fire?


New member
Hi there! I'm wondering if anyone knows of a coral that looks like a giant wave of fire. It's gonna be a huge center piece coral that waves around with the high flow. I found a fire gorgonian that I wanted but can't find any for sale. So does anyone else know of an awesome one?
Buy a tiny frag and wait?
Seriously, and I am---the corals that come in that color are generally non-photosynthetic and require a great deal of attention to hand-feeding. For most people they are very difficult, and often end badly.
the coral you posted is a swiftia exserta. Other red corals include the red diodogorgia, ctenocella pectinata (very uncommon and very hard to keep), lophogorgia chilensis
Granted it's not a coral (don't bite my head off :D), the first thing that came to mind was dragons breath macro algae. Pretty easy to get, at least in the US.


I hope you find what you're looking for. :)
Granted it's not a coral (don't bite my head off :D), the first thing that came to mind was dragons breath macro algae.

That's what I was going to say, but he wanted a coral. Thanks for pointing this out too.