Anyone Know What Will Eat Mermaids Wineglass?

I have the even more invasive relative parvocaulus (yours is acetabularia). My tuxedo urchins eat it and are doing a good job keeping it down. I've never tried a tang but I think they might too. As you know it embeds in calcium surfaces so I doubt it could ever be completely killed while in the tank. Here's an old pic from when it was into everything.

Hmmm, a couple weeks ago, my Petco had a bunch of aquacultured Tuxedo Urchins. Might have to check today to see if they still have any.
Have you tried selling it? I think an island of that would look pretty cool
Have you tried selling it? I think an island of that would look pretty cool
It roots really hard into calcium substrate, so I don’t know that it would survive being ripped out and transported. But, I’d love to share if someone wanted to try. I would just hate to charge someone and not have it survive.

Plus, everything I’ve read says it’s really hard to keep🙄 Not sure why most people can’t keep it and I can’t get rid of it😂. In moderation, I’d love to have a small amount stay.
It roots really hard into calcium substrate, so I don’t know that it would survive being ripped out and transported. But, I’d love to share if someone wanted to try. I would just hate to charge someone and not have it survive.

Plus, everything I’ve read says it’s really hard to keep🙄 Not sure why most people can’t keep it and I can’t get rid of it😂. In moderation, I’d love to have a small amount stay.
Hmm time to buy some rubble and let it grow and sell the rubble lmao
Hmm time to buy some rubble and let it grow and sell the rubble lmao
:ROFLMAO: Actually, that might not be a bad idea. I could trade to an LFS if I had one close. But the closest one to me closed about a year ago. Right now, the closest LFS is a 30 minute drive each way. How does that happen in the suburbs of St. Louis???? Well, actually, I do have an LFS near me, but they specialize in FW and ponds and have a bare bones selection of SW.
It will embed like crazy in this stuff. Mine does. Just put it in the tank and watch it sprout lol.

Well, I haven't seen much progress on eliminating this stuff or even knocking it back. In the tank, I currently have (2) Mexican Turbo snails, (2) Emerald Crabs, (1) Pencil Urchin (hitchhiker from my live rock), (1) Tuxedo Urchin and a handful of hermits.

I emailed John at Reef Cleaners yesterday to see what he thought. His response was in 2 separate emails. They are below:

"Yes, most species will eat it. There are some look-alikes. Do you have a picture by chance?"

"I can't think of any of our algae eater over 1" that wouldn't eat it. When we do carry it, I have to put it in a separate tank away from everything. Turbos and Emeralds are probably the most effective for most tanks. Urchins east the most per specimen that I have now."

Those were sent at 1:02 and 1:04 AM last night. So, this morning, I replied to John with what cleanup crew I currently have and a picture of the algae. Will post any response I get from him to keep this thread updated.
Reply from John at Reef Cleaners:

That is them, I am surprised your current cleaners aren't eating it, unless they have just found other food so far. A Pitho crab would be the most effective per specimen, maybe a pincushion urchin. Turbos would work well, Gammarind amphipods even eat it.

So, maybe I just haven't given the current crew enough time to make a dent????
Well hey, if you still have any left come spring, I’d be willing to take some off your hands and can try shipping by USPS. That’s how I usually do cheato
I didn't see any fish suggestions so I'll nominate a Foxface. Also you might try another macro or two to try to outcompete the Wineglass for nutrients. Ulva is great for nutrient spikes then disappears, and pretty much all herbivores love to eat it. Grasilaria is a good steady grower for more stable conditions.
Thanks Michael. Turns out I had a bad batch of salt and had super high Ca and super low Alk. Since starting to turn that around, this stuff is disappearing.