Anyone looking for healthy tangs??


New member
Something Fishy got a shipment of what I think are the healthiest tangs he's gotten or i've seen in awhile.

Yellow Tangs - obviously
Purple Tangs - good price
Blonde Naso's - Beautiful specimens
Powder Blue tangs - ^See Above^ was the nicest i've ever seen in an lfs in 3yrs and 25+ stores. If i had a bigger tank I might have gone I 'would' have gone broke :)

Just a heads up to anyone looking for some larger fish.
Matt... I will definately be coming your way this week. I'll take those frags, and I'll most likely be grabbing a tang :) Maybe I'll be the one going broke!

I was to Miller's in Bloomsburg last week, I left after 5 minutes, a very disapointed reefer.
I'm fresh out of frags man.....sorry.
I too will be there tomorrow for some salt. Maybe I'll see you there:smokin:
Miller's looks like they're cleaning out to me. I've heard rumors that they're closing, but have seen nothing concrete to back that. I sent an email looking for a quote on a system for our school and heard nothing back from them.
BEWARE OF SOMETHING FISHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just lost 13 fish totalling $1000 plus because of one fish from something fishy having a fungal infection as well as ich.
Ok, I know you're ticked off because you lost fish but, realistically speaking, you could have that happen at ANY fish store. Any time you add a new fish to your tank you're taking the chance that you are introducing a new disease and/or going to stress out your existing fish so that they get a disease that was already present in the tank.
Hey, that's part of this crazy reefkeeping hobby that we have.
I always inspect every fish that I buy before it is purchased, as well as its tank mates in the store. Still, it is not a done deal. ANY fish can be diseased at ANY time...that's why you have to take on a certain level of risk when adding a fish.
Something Fishy is a great store with great customer service, but I know the risks of reefkeeping and don't expect them to absorb all those risks for me. Hey, it's not freshwater we're dealing with.
this person just had their thread closed on the same topic. they didnt QT and are now blaming it on the store.
this person just had their thread closed on the same topic. they didnt QT and are now blaming it on the store.
Yeah not to get into the whole store bashing BS that synystr is trying to pull but I live right by Miller's and refuse to shop there due to the poor customer service. When I was first looking at getting a tank I stopped there and they barely wanted to deal with me so I took my business elsewhere. Of course I have heard some people say that they have had good responses there too so who knows.
Hey Mike,
Are you hearing the rumors that Millers is closing? I have heard that and been in there and saw that they had very little livestock, but I still see ads in the paper from them. Just wondering if anyone had the heads up.
Personally I love Something Fishy, however I can definately see where dj synystr is coming from. Alot of my current fish are from SF, however there was a time, around the Christmas holiday that alot of the fish that were coming in looked really bad. Again, it is not something that SF can prevent, it is the fault of whomever the dealer is that shipped sick fish. Alot of the tangs has severe bacterial infections, damaged fins, and HLLE. I always try to talk to Todd about the health of the shipments he gets in prior to purchasing anything.