Anyone near Kendall with a fish trap to lend?


New member
May have to remove a fish thats getting aggressive with snaller tankmates. Before i try with nets, does anyone have a trap they can let me borrow for a few days??
If you don't get one. Let me know and I'll bring you mine next time I head down south

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May I inquire how you caught him? I have a 4-line that's become a terror. Trying with the trap, but unsuccessful thus far.

Came out last night to try and catch him after dark, but couldn't find his sleeping spot...

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I've got just about every fish in the tank going into the trap except for that four line. I'll keep at it.


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It took me 2 weeks to catch a problematic Flame and 3 weeks to catch a problematic purple chromis. Its like they KNOW you are after them!