If it is only in her head and front, is possible that she was just stung by a coral while trying to move it, mine often shows those marks, but they go away within a couple of days
I want to thank everyone for their king advice. I have posted this in numerious forums so please forgive me if you stumble accross this more than once. This has diagnosed as brooklynella by numerous posters. This could be the case as I made a rash call and introduced another clownfish into the system without following proper quarantine procedures.
I must note however that the clownfish in question has shown significant positive progress. I have heavied up on chemical filtration (carbon) and aside from observation that's about it. My female seems to be improving and I will supply new images this w/e if the condition continues to improve. Thank you to all that took an interest in helping me in an hour of need. This is truely a great place filled with wonderfully informative and helpful people. Thanks again.
ya same happens to rawbomb clowns I`m not sure about the name off the disease but I agree with bawla47 Tha thing spreads like crazy to clowns............good look
my freand game me some pils to put in my 20g my perc had the same and it neber came back i will give the name of the pill asap have to call him and get the name
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